My gnuplot code is as follows:
Code: Select all
set terminal svg size 800 600
set out "test.svg"
plot sin(x)
I can post the generated svg if necessary (it's 7k), but I think the pertinent bit is this:
Code: Select all
<g style="fill:none; color:red; stroke:currentColor; stroke-width:1.00; stroke-linecap:butt; stroke-linejoin:miter">
<path d='M715.6,34.6 L757.8,34.6 M58.8,141.4 L66.0,190.5 L73.3,243.7 L80.5,298.7 L87.7,353.5 L94.9,405.6
L102.2,453.1 L109.4,493.9 L116.6,526.5 L123.9,549.4 L131.1,561.8 L138.3,563.2 L145.5,553.5 L152.8,533.0 ...
So it seems the color is red, but maybe the "currentColor" is putting Inkscape off?
Any ideas how I can fix this, either with extra commands to gnuplot or modification of the svg before opening in Inkscape, or some trick in Inkscape maybe?
System: Mandriva 2008.1, KDE, Gnuplot 4.2.2, Inkscape 0.46