Browser / window components template?

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Browser / window components template?

Postby DannyKing » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:18 pm

Hello, I have unsuccessfully searched google for an SVG file that contains images of browser components such as drop down menus, text areas, input boxes, submit buttons, scroll bars, etc, etc.

I was hoping to make a prototype of a web app / website and this would be really useful to do it quickly, just copying and pasting to create a fast mockup of each page.

Has anyone seen anything like this already made or made one yourself that you'd be willing to share?


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Re: Browser / window components template?

Postby microUgly » Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:28 pm

I haven't seen anything like this, not for form elements. It might be a popular resource if you created it yourself.

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