I have some problems with the new inkscape and the conversion to EPS/PS. I have some files with the pictures and text in there. When I convert the to EPS and I open them with gsviewer or convert it to pdf it looks normal. Bur when I want to import it in Word 2007 the the text is gone or changes in to strange signs like %% ^^.
When I convert text to path and the save the EPS I can imported in Word 2007 but then all the text are really squarish and ugly.
Is there a workaround it or do I need to wait for the update 0.48.1
Inkscape 0.48 EPS import in Word
Re: Inkscape 0.48 EPS import in Word
As a work around I usually use the following when porting Inkscape to another application
>File >Save As... plain.svg
>Import the plain svg file to scribus (opensource desktop publisher)
>Then export the svg file from scribus to .eps or .pdf
I have yet to come across a problem with the follow on application, in this instance Word 2007, displaying a corrupted file. It seems since scribus' main feature set is based on open desktop publishing its implementation of .pdf and .eps is more robust than the implementation that is currently within inkscape.
As a work around I usually use the following when porting Inkscape to another application
>File >Save As... plain.svg
>Import the plain svg file to scribus (opensource desktop publisher)
>Then export the svg file from scribus to .eps or .pdf
I have yet to come across a problem with the follow on application, in this instance Word 2007, displaying a corrupted file. It seems since scribus' main feature set is based on open desktop publishing its implementation of .pdf and .eps is more robust than the implementation that is currently within inkscape.