Need v 0.451 please

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Need v 0.451 please

Postby sboz » Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:29 pm

Help! I need the older version of Inkscape (v0.451 ??) Can someone send me a link to download it?

I have discovered a repeatable crash with 0.46 as follows:

Here's what I am doing: Copy/past an image to PaintShop Pro. Save it there as either .jpeg or .bmp.
Open same file in Inkscape, trace, save as with .svg file extension. Interesting point here: Then it tells me the file already exists.
I choose overright, a red x appears on the tracing and the svg file AND the original file is gone.......... yadda............. gone...........

Please, anyone have a link to v 0.451

I am using WinVista .32bit


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Re: Need v 0.451 please

Postby Simarilius » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:33 pm

umm, sounds like inkscape is saving the svg as a jpg. Which it shouldnt.
rather than opening the image in inkscape, import it, then do save as and make sure the file extension is svg (thats the clue, the fact it says the file exists which means its saving as the jpg name)
if that doesnt work and you really want to go back to 0.45.1 the links should still be available in the sourceorge downloads page ... e_id=99112

0.45.1 is a little way down the list.

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Re: Need v 0.451 please

Postby sas » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:08 am

I can't reproduce this, but if you want to give up on 0.46, you could consider using one of the recent development snapshots. They have different open/save dialogs than 0.46.

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