Shapes Not Showing

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Shapes Not Showing

Postby dottiegirl » Tue Mar 19, 2013 7:52 am

I just installed Inkscape last night and was trying a tutorial. My program will not show any shapes. I've tried clicking on all of them, circle, rectangle, etc. Only thing that will show up are some nodes. No kind of shape at all. Anything I need to check or uncheck?
Thanks for any help

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Re: Shapes Not Showing

Postby brynn » Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:37 am

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

Did you happen to "install" the 7zip version? There are a few different things that will cause what you're seeing, but the fresh install of Inkscape shouldn't behave like that. A year or 2 ago, we had a case of the 7zip version opening brand new with the same thing you're seeing. Anyway, here are some things you can look for:

In Object menu > Fill and Stroke > Fill tab, check the A slider. It should be all the way to the right, with a value of 255. At the bottom of the dialog, make sure that the opacity slider is also all the way to the right, and with a value of 100.0. Also go to the Stroke Paint tab and check the same things.

In Layers menu > Layers, make sure that the Opacity slider there is also at 100%. Also make sure that you see the open eye icon next to each layer (probably you only have 1 layer right now) rather than a closed eye. If it is closed, click it to open.

Theoretically, there may also be other things that could cause this, but those would be the most likely culprits. Let us know if you find the problem :D

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