Saving from Inkscape for CorelDraw

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Donegal Bay
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Saving from Inkscape for CorelDraw

Postby Donegal Bay » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:39 pm

I am trying to save a simple logo I created to send to someone who is using CorelDraw. My logo uses the blur affect. What I read in previous posts suggested saving the file in .ps format after converting the text to a path and that the Corel user could import it. Another separate post indicated that no matter what I did, the blur would not work in Corel. The blur and the text have thus far been the two stumbling blocks I have run into in getting this file to work for the Corel user. if anyone has any experience in saving files from Inkscape that use the blur for use in CorelDraw, any help would be appreciated. Also, I need all the pieces to be vectored when opened in Corel and not bit mapped, which is what it wants to do with the blurred pieces.

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Re: Saving from Inkscape for CorelDraw

Postby BobSongs » Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:51 am

Have you tried exporting from Inkscape into a PDF format? Inkscape seems to import PDF files quite well.

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