Mysterious transparency while nothing set as transparent?

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Mysterious transparency while nothing set as transparent?

Postby Q A » Fri Apr 18, 2014 4:21 pm

I had some mystery alpha - an object was semi-transparent when all of the alpha properties (stroke, fill, color, and layer) were set at 100% in Inkscape.
I traced the culprit to style="opacity:0.45" in the XML below.
What could I have done wrong, or Inkscape done wrong, to cause this value to no longer register accurately in Inkscape?

Code: Select all

           d="m 15.0965,8.8505107 c 0.862497,1.5637413 0.845042,4.6190423 -0.300062,6.5940423 -1.84218,3.177269 -8.0597621,1.14166 -6.5496668,-2.855728 C 10.329612,7.0753152 13.797803,6.4959207 15.0965,8.8505107 z"
           sodipodi:nodetypes="ssss" />

This is an object that has been copied across several project files, and although originally I had set the alpha with one of the sliders, at some point the XML and Inkscape started to disagree.
Has anyone experienced something like this before?
It was easy to fix the XML but I'd like to avoid it recurring in the future. Thanks.

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Re: Mysterious transparency while nothing set as transparent

Postby Lazur » Fri Apr 18, 2014 8:07 pm

Can imagine it was part of a group with transparency, that got ungrouped.

Usually such problem would appear the other way: using the dropper tool on objects with transparency would add alpha to the fill and preserve opacity of the selected object.

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Re: Mysterious transparency while nothing set as transparent

Postby Q A » Sat Apr 26, 2014 6:14 pm

I see!
Got busy after posting but just checked back and want to say thanks for the reply. :-)

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