Image Size Suggestions?

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Image Size Suggestions?

Postby CDesign » Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:35 am

Hi All,

I recently installed inkscape and have been using is for several design projects. I understand how I can change the size of the document under file - new, and am vaguely aware of how zooming in affects the size of several drawing tools.

Are there any guides, metrics, or industry data on commonly saved sizes?
Are there any recommendations on the size of files I should be using for projects in flash, and for projects in website design?



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Re: Image Size Suggestions?

Postby brynn » Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:10 am

Welcome to INkscapeForum!

Zooming doesn't affect the size of the page, at all. It just shows you a closer view, while the size of the page stays the same. You can change the size of the page any time, not just when you open a new file. See Document Properties > Page tab > Page Size. Also note, under Custom Size, Resize page to content.

I don't think there are any standard sizes for anything. Just make it whatever size you want....although you'd have to use good judgement. If you, for example, made a Flash game, and you made it too big for a browser window, that wouldn't make sense. Or too small is also a problem. I once saw a flash game, that on my screen, was less than 2 inches square! I could zoom the browser window, but by the time I got it big enough to see the game, it was too blurred to be useful. I never could play that game!

As for website development, it would depend how you make the site. If you make it a fixed size, only people who use your same screen size and resolution will see it as you make it. Different systems, screen sizes and screen resolution can affect the display of fixed size pages. I know that the background of many sites is tiled, so that the image might only be a sliver, but the code for the page tiles it across so that it looks like a solid image. So you may want to look into other ways to make a website/webpage, besides a fixed size.

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Re: Image Size Suggestions?

Postby CDesign » Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:39 am

Hi Brynn,

Thanks for your response.

I didn't mean to imply that zooming affects the document size, but what I wrote was that zooming in affects certain drawing tools. For example, when I place a drawing in Layer 1, and add Layer 2 on top of it to add vector graphics, zooming in helps me place (smaller?) nodes using the gradient tool when I create my vector drawings. It would be helpful to me if I could find a list or other resource of how zooming in mathematically affects the size of these nodes.

Flash is a controversial use of Inkscape and I was curious as to responses. I am not currently working on Flash projects, and in the event that I do I would likely save files in a .png format. I am however intrigued by the size compression capabilities of Inkscape and svg files. Perhaps there is a good resource I can look to with different metrics on svg and vector graphic size capabilities?

Thanks again for the input.


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Re: Image Size Suggestions?

Postby brynn » Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:04 am

To me, the node size doesn't seem to change as I zoom. They may have the appeance of changing, as the objects get larger or smaller on the screen. But they look the same size to me, at any zoom. Here's my test -- at 100% zoom, a node looks to be something like ~10 px wide; at 1000%, it looks ~1 px wide; and at 10000%, a node looks ~0.1 px. But that's because the ruler scale changed due to the zooming. The node itself looks the same size at all zooms.

At 100% zoom, a node completely covers up a 1 px wide path, and overlaps probably 30 or 40% over each side of the path. At 1000%, the node is about equal in width to the 1 px wide path. And at 10000%, the node seems tiny, barely 0.1 the width of the 1 px wide path. So it's the objects' size which changes while the node stays the same.

Actually I think the gradient tool handles (look like nodes) are a little smaller than nodes. But you're right, zooming in is helpful, in many ways. I use it all the time. I don't quite understand why you would need the math info, but you might be able to do some kind of test like I did, only more controlled and precise.

You know, I think someone asked about the math behind zooming a little while ago. I think they were asking for the "interpolation algorithm" for zooming, or something like that. I can't remember if they got an answer or not.....I think not. But you could try my quoted words to search with, and probablly find it.

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