Arrow heads multiplying

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Arrow heads multiplying

Postby henkmuller » Wed Mar 02, 2016 8:59 pm


I seem to be able to get inkscape in a state where it replicates arrow heads in the drop down menu Fill-and-Stroke -> Stroke-Style tab. See the attached screenshot where I have selected the line-ending marker.

Is this something that I am doing wrong or is it a bug in inkscape that is worth reporting?

Untitled.png (110.5 KiB) Viewed 2990 times

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby Lazur » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:04 pm


Similar bug is/was present when you convert a clone to a marker and edit the parent.
Run the clean up document/vacuum defs in the file menu time to time to remove those -if there are too many of such definitions inkscape is likely to crash.

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby henkmuller » Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:57 pm

Thanks for that suggestion - if I run File -> Clean up Document, save, and reopen, it reduces the number of arrow-heads a bit; but there are still three duplicates left of each arrow head (down from five)

I have found that when I duplicate an arrow Inkscape can become unresponsive for 10 seconds or so; it hasn't crashed on me yet.

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby Lazur » Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:25 pm

If they remain in the list that means they are being used somewhere on the drawing.

My guess is you copy/masted objects instead of duplicating (Ctrl+D).
Use the latter if you don't want to duplicate the custom marker (and gradient) definitions.

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby Moini » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:08 am

Funny, this bug report was posted only 3 days ago: :)
Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby henkmuller » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:16 am

Thanks Lazur,

I tried it with a fresh document (Inkscape 0.91); and the number of arrow heads in the drop down menu sometimes but not always matches the number of arrowheads in the document.

1) Create a line
2) Add an arrow on both sides
3) Duplicate this a couple of times (^D)
Now I have a whole lot of arrow heads in the drop down menu; matching the number of arrow heads in the document
4) Delete all but one of them
I am now left with 2 duplicates; more than in the document
5) Clean-up
And we are back to one of each; this matches
6) Add two lines with a single arrow each
7) Now duplicate all
And I have five in one direction, and two in the other direction; one arrow head missing.
8) Clean-up
This creates an extra arrow-head.

I think the old inkscape had a different drop down menu, with only had one copy of each arrowhead used; regardless of how often you duplicated an arrow.

Best wishes,

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby henkmuller » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:17 am

Thanks moini - that's the one!

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Re: Arrow heads multiplying

Postby Lazur » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:27 am

I haven't tested it with much focus, just replied my experience. As far as I remember 0.48 was worse with this behave (mostly seen on gradient editing though).

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