Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

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Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby Johannski » Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:08 pm

Hello there!

I made a small shell script, to convert all files in a directory with the extensions svg, eps, pdf to the file types pdf, eps, png.

Linux + Inkscape necessary
1. put the script in the same folder where the files are
2. open up a terminal (Strg + Shift + T)
3. cd to the same directory where the script is
4. write "sh"
5. follow the instructions

Here's the code of the script:

Code: Select all


echo "This script allows you to convert all files in this folder from one file type to another."

echo "Allowed file types for source: $validInput1, $validInput2, $validInput3"
while [ "$valid" != "1" ]
    read -p "What file type do you want to use as a source? " sourceType
    if [ "$sourceType" = "$validInput1" ] || [ "$sourceType" = "$validInput2" ] || [ "$sourceType" = "$validInput3" ]; then
        echo "Invalid input! Please use one of the following: $validInput1, $validInput2, $validInput3"

echo "Allowed file types for output: $validOutput1, $validOutput2, $validOutput3"
while [ "$valid" != "1" ]
    read -p "What file type do you want to convert to? " outputType
    if [ "$outputType" = "$validOutput1" ] || [ "$outputType" = "$validOutput2" ] || [ "$outputType" = "$validOutput3" ]; then
        echo "Invalid input! Please use one of the following: $validOutput1, $validOutput2, $validOutput3"

read -p "With what dpi should it be exported (e.g. 300)? " dpi

for fileSource in *.$sourceType
    if [ -f "$fileSource" ]; then   
        file=$(echo $fileSource | cut -d'.' -f1)
        echo $count". "$fileSource" -> "$file.$outputType
        inkscape $fileSource --export-$outputType=$file.$outputType --export-dpi=$dpi
        echo "no file $fileSource found!"
echo "$count file(s) converted!"

You can download the file here:
I hope this helps!
€dit: Windows script will come in the next days. ;)
Last edited by Johannski on Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby ragstian » Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:02 am


Great script, nice to see the command line use of Inkscape.
What about a DOS/Windows batch file as well?

Recon there is one small "adjustment" to be made to your code;
The last read statement should be;

Code: Select all

read -p "What file type do you want to use as output? " outputType

I've been bitten by the "Copy_N_Paste" bug a few times as well!

Good Luck!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby Johannski » Wed Jan 22, 2014 2:27 am

Hey Ragstian!

Thanks for your reply! I'll try to create a bat file as well, there are probably more windows users than linux/mac users in this forum.
Oh yeah, thanks for the hint! I expanded the script, so that it checks for valid input. I haven't used script shells that much, so I'm not sure, if its the best way to check, but it works. New file and code can be found in the first post :)

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby Johannski » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:21 am

I tried to get it also working for windows, sadly I don't know how to use the inkscape command. Maybe somebody has an idea, everything else should work. Here is the code:

Code: Select all

@Echo off

set /a count=0
set validInput1=svg
set validInput2=pdf
set validInput3=eps
set validOutput1=eps
set validOutput2=pdf
set validOutput3=png

echo This script allows you to convert all files in this folder from one file type to another.

set valid=0
echo Allowed file types for source: %validInput1%, %validInput2%, %validInput3%

    set /p sourceType=What file type do you want to use as a source?
    if "%sourceType%" EQU "%validInput1%" set valid=1
   if "%sourceType%" EQU "%validInput2%" set valid=1
   if "%sourceType%" EQU "%validInput3%" set valid=1
   if %valid% EQU 0 (
        echo Invalid input! Please use one of the following: %validInput1%, %validInput2%, %validInput3%
      goto :whileInNotCorrect

set valid=0
echo Allowed file types for output: %validOutput1%, %validOutput2%, %validOutput3%      
    set /p outputType=What file type do you want to convert to?
    if "%outputType%" EQU "%validOutput1%" set valid=1
   if "%outputType%" EQU "%validOutput2%" set valid=1
   if "%outputType%" EQU "%validOutput3%" set valid=1
   if %valid% EQU 0 (
        echo Invalid input! Please use one of the following: %validOutput1%, %validOutput2%, %validOutput3%   
      goto :whileOutNotCorrect
set /p dpi=With what dpi should it be exported (e.g. 300)?

for %%i in (.\*.%sourceType%) do (
   set /a count=count+1
   echo !count!.  %%i - !count!.%outputType%
   inkscape %fileSource% --export-%outputType%=!count!.%outputType% --export-dpi=%dpi%
echo !count! file(s) converted!

Cheers :)

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby alexcotoranu » Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:06 am


The script works marvelously in windows (using git-bash).

In order for windows to globally recognize "inkscape" as a command you need to add the path to inkscape (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\ ) to your system path under "environment variables" in the "advanced system settings" window (right-click onto My Computer / Computer and select properties).


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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby cullam » Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:30 am

Hey guys. I'm using Inkscape on Windows, and am still having trouble with this script. I've added my inkscape directory to my system path, but when running the script, I still get an output saying "'inkscape' is not rocognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."
Am I missing something? I'm running this straight from the cmd window.

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby puiutz777 » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:56 am

Thanks a lot. The script works perfectly, it is a great help. Also works in Windows with bash. If you don't really want to create Inkscape as a command, you can add in the script, the path in your computer where Inkscape is located. For example, instead of inkscape.exe will be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe".
Wish you all best!
Thanks again!

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby DerSiedler » Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:01 am

Hi all,

I can't get it to work. The scripts runs in Git Bash on Windows 10 with the latest Inkscape version 0.91. But I only get "no file *.svg found!"

Any ideas?


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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby Marcos Valle » Wed Mar 08, 2017 6:12 am

After looking all over, including this post, I've found a simple way using only one command line to export multiple files in a folder.

I've never used command line before, but after some experimentation i've came with the following solution:

Code: Select all

    for /f "tokens=1* delims=." %i in ('dir /b *.svg') do "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe" --without-gui --file="%i.svg" --export-emf="%i.emf"

Breaking it down:

Code: Select all

for is a command to perform an action to multiple files. It's structure is something like: for "files in a certain condition" do "especific command"

Code: Select all

    /f "tokens=1* delims=." %i in ('dir /b *.svg')
This is the "condition". In my case, I'm looking for all SVG files, but of course it works with others formats. All this "fancy" code does is store the file name, before the extention, in the variable "%i". This will be usefull in the comand.

Code: Select all

That is what you will perform in all the files.

Code: Select all

    "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe" --without-gui --file="%i.svg" --export-emf="%i.emf"
This is will call the program and open the file by file and export then. PS: I'm a newbie, i don't know how you use just "inkscape", so i've putted all the way to the .exe.

The last part is where we use the variable to instruct the program to wich file it should pick and how export.

Again, I'm exporting SVG to EMF, but just change it to what you want. Here is why the variable are so important. So you can keep the same name, just changing the extention.

Don't forget to use the quotes, since your files can have some space in it's name.

Of course you also need to be in the folder where your files are. If your are also a newbie do this:

Code: Select all


It will put you in the correct drive. Chage it to the drive where your files are.

Code: Select all

    CD "path"

It will take you to the specific folder. You can use the windows explorer and click with right button and copy the path as text.

That's it. I'm newbie, soo it might be someway more efective to do it, but this will work.

Last tip: If you are working with a lot of files, you can use CTRL + C to stop the command line if it's not working how it should, and try again.

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby Johannski » Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:36 pm

Hello again,

Long time no see. I needed the functionality again and did a bit of rewriting in order to run flawless on windows. Here is the project: ... 0466404f11

Just download this file: ... onvert.bat

If your path to inkscape differs from C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe you will need to change that in line 3 of the program.
Other than that, just move the file to the folder you want to run it in and double click it, really easy :)

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby brynn » Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:04 pm

You'd be welcome to upload this to the Inkscape website, if it's not already. Probably would reach more users.

Although I'm not sure which category. It's not exactly an extension is it? Maybe SVG Tool category?

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby russian » Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:36 am

Johannski, could you add one function to your .bat - merge output files?

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Re: Batch processing svg to eps/pdf/png

Postby Johannski » Tue May 29, 2018 6:34 am

@brynn: Ah cool, thanks for the suggestion, just uploaded it there as well. I wasn't sure about the category as well... I put it in extension as of now, but I wouldn't say it is a great fit :P

@russian: Are you talking about pdfs or pngs/eps? If it is about pdfs I would suggest using the tool pdf sam. It is open source and will do the job way better than my tool could do.
Not quite sure how much work it would be, sadly I don't have the time right now. As for pngs/eps, I think the task would be too complex for me to do it quick.

€dit: Updated my email preferences, hopefully I won't miss any more replies now :)

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