Code: Select all
inkscape.exe --export-png "$filedir\$filename.png" -w 512 "$filedir\$filename.svg"
Code: Select all
"--export-png `"$filedir\$filename.png`" -w 512 `"$filedir\$filename.svg`"`nexit" | inkscape.exe --shell
Code: Select all
inkscape.exe --export-png "$filedir\$filename.png" -w 512 "$filedir\$filename.svg"
Code: Select all
"--export-png `"$filedir\$filename.png`" -w 512 `"$filedir\$filename.svg`"`nexit" | inkscape.exe --shell
Not really:Moini wrote:Add a --FileQuit at the end to close the opened file and all windows of the current Inkscape instance.
The other option is --FileClose, which will only close the current file, but keep at least one Inkscape window open.
Code: Select all
** (inkscape:10311): WARNING **: Invalid option --FileQuit
** (inkscape:10324): WARNING **: Invalid option --FileClose