Inkscape and 'SVG on steroids'

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Inkscape and 'SVG on steroids'

Postby developej » Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:35 pm


I've been googling the web for the past few this in search of a software I need, with no luck. Here is what I need:

Software would consist of two windows - one would be like a regular Inkscape/AI/Draw/etc window with all the tools, and the other would be an Excel like table
where every object would be in it's own row, while all the properties of an object would be in different columns.
If I would change something in the drawing (move some point), it would change it in the table automaticaly. If I would change something in the table, it would also reflect that in the drawing.

Something like this (formatting is not goint to work, but I think it will be clear):

ID | type | color | lineweight | point1 x, point1 y | point2 x, point2 y | .... | comment | center x,y | diameter | etc

route 1 | polyline | red | 1 | 10,12 | 14,16 | ... | remember to change point2 x to 15!!! | null | null | etc

circle 1 | circle | blue | 3 | null | null | null | some comment | 6,7 | 4 | etc

So, the first row would consist of all possible properties objects can have. If the object does not have that property, it's value is set to null by default.
To save space, columns can be created only if an object with that property exists in the drawing.

Best thing i found so far is Inkscape with it's built in SVG editor, and plain SVG editor is not even close to what I want :). Sure, you can make some changes, but if I have a lot of objects, it's getting harder and harder. Having an Excel like table with 'all' the functionality built in, and having all that to make updates to the drawing would be pretty cool.

Do you know if something like this even exists? And before you say 'try AutoCAD', it doesn't have it :)


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Re: Inkscape and 'SVG on steroids'

Postby Lazur » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:14 am


Inkscape does have something similar: an xml editor (Shift+Ctrl+X).
In the current stabile it is not dockable, but you can still access the parametres of the objects in the svg.

Or are you after a more dynamic way of creating, with "dynamic blocks" in autocad?
Then check out rhinoceros with grasshopper.

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:12 pm

Re: Inkscape and 'SVG on steroids'

Postby developej » Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:01 am


as I said, Inkscape's built in XML editor will be really hard to use. This will be used by not so tech savy users, so it really needs to be a nice looking Excel-like table, not an XML file...
Same thing goes for Rhino+Grasshopper...I also know of Houdini by SideFX ('same' node based workflow), but it is just too advanced :)

Anyway, thanks for reply!
However, I do need more ideas :)

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