Drawing irregular shapes having parallel sides

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Drawing irregular shapes having parallel sides

Postby enzed » Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:24 pm

When plasma-cutting non-geometric shapes (as in metal art), it is often necessary to draw worm-like, irregularly-curved shapes having parallel sides. See the attached illustration as an example.

The only way I know how to create such as shape is to draw the basic shape with a single line, then to copy and paste it next to the first line, and to then join the two. This requires editing to get the sides parallel to each other by dragging the segments and nodes. This however is a very tedious and time-wasting procedure. Moreover, because this is done manually, the sides are not exactly parallel to each other.

So the question then is: Is there no alternative and more efficient method of creating such shapes? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Irregular shape with parallel sides.svg
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Re: Drawing irregular shapes having parallel sides

Postby tylerdurden » Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:40 pm

Fast and dirty:

Pencil tool shown only to suggest similarity to the OP's example. Stroke to path can be used on almost any path.
Have a nice day.

I'm using Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06), 64 bit win8.1

The Inkscape manual has lots of helpful info! http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/

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Re: Drawing irregular shapes having parallel sides

Postby enzed » Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:10 pm

Thank you very much tylerdurden, this is very useful and quick, and it works, even if you regard it as "fast and dirty" !

Best wishes, enzed

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Re: Drawing irregular shapes having parallel sides

Postby brynn » Mon Sep 18, 2017 5:23 am

If you need something that's more like a ribbon, Pattern Along Path might be an option. Or even draw the original line with the Calligraphy tool with the nib set at an angle.

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