measurment tool

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Kid riddlin
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measurment tool

Postby Kid riddlin » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:40 am

I see that there is a measurement tool coming out for the next update and I am glad to hear it. Will this have a feature where you can drag the meaaurment beside the object? It would be a very helpful tool for us who do sign work and vinyl graphics. Thanks

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Re: measurment tool

Postby druban » Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:15 am

The measure tool (available in the development builds and working quite well) displays angles and lengths but only temporarily, and i don't know any way to put those displays on canvas to be edited.
But Inkscape does have a couple of extensions under visualize path - 'dimensions' and 'measure path' that you might find useful. I used them in sequence to make this example. Some adjustments needed to be made - text is not centered by default etc. but still pretty nifty, and the text is editable afterwards. :D
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Re: measurment tool

Postby ricardodm » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:34 am

I would like to say that this is an excellent idea.
I would suggest the same thing, but as this post already exists, I would just reinforce the idea, putting a further example.

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