Before I post to the tech support forums...

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Before I post to the tech support forums...

Postby Steve » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:38 am

Before I post to the tech support forums, I'd like to be sure I'm using the right terminology, and that I haven't overlooked this issue when I searched the forums already.

I'm importing SVG files from the most excellent into a document I'm creating. It's (obviously) a map. Here's my problem:
The first SVG file I import formats perfectly. The second SVG file I import brings in the lines fine, but the text that surrounds a street name is jumbled.
If I make a new document and reverse the order, it's always the second SVG file (and all subsequent ones) which gets jumbled. It doesn't seem to make a difference what file I use.

Anyway, thanks for reading this. I need to know... is this description specific enough to describe the problem I'm having? Is this a well known issue (I have searched for this, but might be using the wrong terms)?

I'm not expecting tech support here, I understand this forum isn't for that. I just want to know if there's a specific term I should be using.


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Re: Before I post to the tech support forums...

Postby microUgly » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:48 pm

Your terminology is correct. To assist the developers it's best if you can upload your files with the report.

For reference, I think this might be a known issue where the a named property exists in both files, so when you merge the files one property overwrites the other and things don't display properly.


Re: Before I post to the tech support forums...

Postby Steve » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:28 am

Thank you, that actually answers my question. As long as the developers are aware of it, I'll focus on deduping the SVG files before import.

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