manages the action of clicking

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Joined: Wed May 20, 2015 8:55 pm

manages the action of clicking

Postby pipipicontrole » Wed May 20, 2015 9:40 pm

I want to create an interactive map with inkscape and manages the action of the would like to know how do you generated the actions of the mouse right click , left click and the cursor hovers over the image in the file generated for inkscape after SVG in proprieté object was the menu interactivity is form field following :
onclick, onmouseover , onmouseout , onmousedown , onmouseup , onmousemove , onfocusint , onfocusout , onload I understand it's title but the syntax used in this field is different for the SVG file prènnes the account is posing me problem . I searched the net May I board found nothing compared to his , so I appeal to your aid a link or a sample syntax used .
thank you .

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