Firstly thank you for Inkscape, its really very good - the best open source UI I've seen.
I have a very large (8300x11800, 5MB) map Inkscape document. I need to slice it up in to a grid of tile images for use in a google maps style web application. I need a grid of hundreds of 256x256 png tiles at various zoom levels. I'm trying to work out how/if I can do this in Inkscape. I'm a programmer, so open to scripting options.
My first thoughts were to use the Web Slicer. I could easily generate the SVG for the web slicer layer with a grid of squares, but the script plug in architecture means its unusably slow on my very large document. As I understand it (and I'm new to Inkscape so may be wrong) when I run the web slicer it does this:
- Save a temporary version of my document (slow for my large doc, but only happens once)
- Runs which
- Parses the temporary document to get all the elements in the web slicer layer (slow for my large doc, but only happens once)
- For each element call the inkscape executable to export the element (inkscape -i elem_id -e tile.png tmp.svg) - (slow for my large doc, and happens hundreds of times)
- Parses the temporary document to get all the elements in the web slicer layer (slow for my large doc, but only happens once)
I can't see any way in a script extension or using the command line options that I can export multiple elements in one call to the executable (ie. one load of the document).
Any ideas?