@brynn: I have a few extensions in my global Python27 which I've used in my (current) Hex script, I was thinking I could just copy them across without the need to run pip install {blah} against Inkscape's Python
I'm trying to write a Grid Extension to create Hexagonal Rings on the fly... both flat hexes and pointy hexes
initially I'm only creating 48px Hexes, but I hope to make the Hex-width dynamic before I release to general use
I've found extensions that will create Hexagonal Grids with the Origin Hex at Top Left corner, but as yet I can't find one which will allow me to create Hex Rings, centered on the page/canvas
My general premise is to acquire the length of an edge, I realise I could do something similar with Star objects, but I specifically need the Hex to have 6 (tweakable) nodes, which (from what I see) A Star won't give me
using the edge length, calculate the height and width of the hex and create a single Hex to use as a master
A possible alternate method would be to just use an XYgrid and an Axonometric grid centered to the page and allow the user to extend the "map" according to the grid - but I haven't worked out how to create the grids dynamically yet
.... I'm also trying to test current Inkscape Python scripts against Python 3.5 so I can (try to) help future proof the Inkscape core
I have (automatic) tests within my IDE so that as soon as I open an existing Python script, it is tested against 2.7 and 3.5 so I can see where issues will arise, but since I'm only new to Python, I'm having to research the "fixes" to bring to code up to 3.5 compliance without breaking 2.7 compatibility
Off topic:
Ideally I would be better doing the tests in my Ubuntu box, but due to screen real estate it's easier to mock up in the Windows box (Ubuntu box has smaller screen) - plus my IDE is Windows only