previous, next zoom changes

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previous, next zoom changes

Postby brynn » Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:33 am

Hi Friends,
I know that it's not all that long before 0.47 should be released, but I've got a couple of problems that have been bugging me. (I'll put the other in a separate topic.) Please feel free to move this if it turns out that I'm doing something wrong, and it should go in the Help forum ;)

Normally when I open an image to edit, I set all the zooms that I expect to use during that session. Like for example, one I'm working on now, I use 200%, 400%, 800% and 1800% a lot. So I set them right away after I open to edit, and I also cycle through them, to make sure they're set right (because sometimes I get confused between previous and next).

Somestimes I might work for an hour or so in one particular level of zoom, but when I go to change to a Previous or Next Zoom, the zoom levels that I had set are no longer what I set them. So for example, I set them as above, I work at 200% for awhile, then click Next Zoom, expecting to get 400%, but I get like 362% or 420%. Or sometimes it's not even remotely close Weird huh? And if I click on Next Zoom again, the next one and next one, all of them are off to some weird value that is quite different than what I had originally set. And sometimes they say "No next zoom", and I think I'm confused between next and previous again. So I click Previous Zoom, and it says "No previous zoom". So even though I had set 4 different zoom levels, now there is only one.

Now if I actually use the other zoom levels within shorter lengths of time, say within 15 or 20 minutes, and I click Next Zoom, then I do get what I expect as the Next Zoom. But for some reason, after something longer than say 30 minutes, when I click Next Zoom, I get the weird values.

Could this be some kind of bug, or am I not understanding the Previous and Next Zoom features?

Thanks for your help :D
(edit for typo)

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