How to blur selected objects with same value?

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zero six
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How to blur selected objects with same value?

Postby zero six » Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:19 pm

When I select many objects, and then I increase blur value to 3, Why some objects have value more than 3 and some other objects have value less than 3?

How can I assign value of blur exactly 3 to each selected objects, without assign one by one to each object?

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Re: How to blur selected objects with same value?

Postby brynn » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:05 am

Well, the only way to do that, is to select them one at a time to set the blur value, afaik. However, you may not find that acceptable. This is because the amount of blur applied to an object or selection varies according to the size of the object/selection. So for example, if you apply a blur value of 3 to a very small object and to a large object, separately, you will see much more blur on the larger object than the small one. If your objects are all about the same size, you will see about the same amount of blur on each. But again, if your objects are very different sizes, it may look nicer to apply blur as you have been doing it.

So that's the reason some have a lesser or greater value, when selected individually, after you have applied the blur to them all at once. I don't know if "averaging" is the proper term to describe how it works. But it is something like that. I think the reason for this is that a blur is technically a filter (that is built in to the Fill and Stroke dialog for convenience). And filters are all raster graphics, or bitmap features, being used however in a vector graphics program (Inkscape).

Maybe others will want to add to or clarify my explanation, and I certainly would welcome it. Because I only have a very general understanding of the "why" and "how". I just know that this is how it is, lol!

ivan louette
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Re: How to blur selected objects with same value?

Postby ivan louette » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:18 am


you are right about applying blur by the Fill and Stroke dialog : in this case blur is proportional of the object size.

If you want apply the same amount of blur to several objects with very different sizes there are two solutions :

- group the objects and then you can apply an uniform blur to the group through the Fill and Stroke dialog ;

- or keep them separate, select them together and apply the blur by Filters/ABC/Blur.

However, keep in mind that in the two cases you can easily change the blur strength : open Filters/ Filters Editor and change it there.


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