Color management including display callibration, soft proofing, and true CMYK editing is now working its way in. ... management
If people are interested in this, giving things a shake down and then commenting over in the Inkscape mailing lists and chat room would help things improve more quickly.
Color management, CMYK, etc.
Re: Color management, CMYK, etc.
Awesome. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Re: Color management, CMYK, etc.
In my system (Windows XP; "AdobeRGB1998" color profile is associated with the LCD moditor, I have tried the other
screen profiles of the Adobe suite and the results are similar) with inkscape-0709220200 build, colors
of Batik icc color test (E:/DTP/SVGViewer/batik-1.7/samples/tests/spec/color/colorProfile.svg) look slightly different
in Batik and Inkscape (they are "brighter" in Batik) EXCEPT for the "auto" icc color values where a black rectangle
in the raster image, which is rendered correctly in Batik, is replaced by a red rectangle in Inkscape.
screen profiles of the Adobe suite and the results are similar) with inkscape-0709220200 build, colors
of Batik icc color test (E:/DTP/SVGViewer/batik-1.7/samples/tests/spec/color/colorProfile.svg) look slightly different
in Batik and Inkscape (they are "brighter" in Batik) EXCEPT for the "auto" icc color values where a black rectangle
in the raster image, which is rendered correctly in Batik, is replaced by a red rectangle in Inkscape.
Re: Color management, CMYK, etc.
The red color may be used to show "out of gamut" colors, which cannot be represented correctly.