Until someone makes a formal feature request, it's likely this will never happen.
I have no idea whether it's even possible.
But unless someone puts the idea to developers, you're literally waiting for someone who happens to want the same thing, who happens to be abe to write the code, to happen to do it. (Developers don't typically participate here - no clue why.)
To put to developers: If you wish a discussion, better to post to the Devel mailing list:
https://inkscape.org/en/community/mailing-lists/To simply request the feature: Visit
https://launchpad.net/inkscape and search to find out if the request has already been made. [edit - If so, click "Does this bug affect you?"] If not, register there, and make the request. (Click "Report a bug".) Include as many details as possible. Don't make the request and then sit back and wait. Either check on your report from time to time; or use a working email address to register, so that you will receive any response from developers. Maybe not so much for feature requests as bugs, but they may ask you for various files which would help them. Or in this case, they may ask for certain clarifications, or offer helpful workarounds.
For myself, I would like this to be an option. Not everyone would want this, so it would be good not to make it happen always.
The only reason I can think for wanting this, is if you're using some kind of a script to do something repetitively. Isn't there some way to include some code in the script to make the selection? If not, it seems possible this might be a more fruitful approach. Someone with programming skills would need to speak on that.