eating the moon
eating the moon
Inspired by this Questionable Content strip I did this. Got jiggy with a lot more clipping and masking than I usually do.

Re: eating the moon
Got jiggy with
LOL, I am so OLD!!
I like your image -- love the 3d effect!
I also like how you sort of nested the "the" between the perspective effects of "eating" and "moon". I'm not quite sure how you might have done that, but I like it

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Re: eating the moon
Thanks, Brynn. I'm pretty sure the kids don't say "jiggy" anymore, so that marks me as old as well. (Just not as old as you, ha!) As for how I did the text, I actually did it in a round-about, inefficient way but got where I wanted to be anyway. I typed the text, converted to path, did break apart, then combined "eating" and "moon" without "the" and combined "the" by itself. Then I enlarged the "eating moon" and positioned "the" in the middle of the space between the words. Next I combined all the words back together and duplicated it. Then I shrank the duplicate to the size of the original "the", moved it to the back, selected both text paths and did an interpolation.