Inkscape Ebooks/help file

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Inkscape Ebooks/help file

Postby nihon94 » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:36 pm


Once upon a time I was addict to Adobe Photoshop but since I started using Inkscape I fell in love with this program. As a learner I try to find out available tutorials on web which helps in learning. I also refer inkscape help and decided to invest money and read some good books.

I was surprised the E-books, which are available or the one I am reading right now by Tavmjong Bah, it seems books are written for those who already got graduation degrees and not for newbies.

Please when you are else write a help file, or book also consider about newbies.

Thank you

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Re: Inkscape Ebooks/help file

Postby brynn » Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:27 am

Welcome to the forum :D

I can recommend a couple of sources of help, that are especially well-written for beginners. You'll see them in my forum signature, but I'll also mention them.

Help menu > Tutorials > Basic, and Shapes, are both very good for beginners. Start with Basic. I used them when I first started learning Inkscape. Even the one that's called Advanced is understandable, as long as you've worked through Basic and Shapes. In fact I'd recommend all of them. Just do them in the order they're listed. The reason I think they're so good for new users, is because they are actually Inkscape documents. You can practice directly on the file, using illustrations in the file. Just be sure NOT to save changes (because you might accidentally delete something, or change an illustration, so that the next time you look at it, you won't see what the author intended) (instead you would see your last practice session).

Also you'll want to bookmark A Quick Guide to Inkscape, here: This is especially good for those transitioning from Adobe Illustrator. You'll see why when you look at it :D Oh, I guess you said you used to used Photoshop, which is different from Illustrator. But in my opinion, it's easy for beginners to understand.

One of the main things you need to remember, when learning Inkscape, and especially when transitioning from a raster graphics program like Photoshop, is how vector graphics differ from raster graphics. In raster graphics, everything is mapped to the pixels on the screen. When you select something, you're basically selecting pixels. In vector graphics, there's no mapping to pixels. When you select something, you're selecting objects or paths. In general, vector graphics is defined by paths. Although there are vector elements which aren't, or don't contain paths. But that part is a bit too advanced to try and explain (even if I could explain it, lol).

Note that you can't directly edit photos with Inkscape, because photos on the computer, are always raster. Some photos can be converted to vector, if necessary. But in general, Inkscape is NOT a photo editor. (I realize you can do other things with Photoshop, but I wanted to mention it, just in case.)

And one more thing I might say, as a general lesson for you. Anything that is a blur is a filter. There a lot of other filters too. And anything that is a filter, in Inkscape, is raster content within the vector file. Some extensions also provide raster content. I say this to help prevent future confusion, lol.

And finally, please feel free to post messages in the Help with Using Inkscape subforum, if you don't understand something. Well first, search the forum, because by now, most questions have been answered. However, we understand that new users don't always have the proper terminology to do a proper search. We're more than happy to help, if we can. So please don't hesitate to ask for something to be simplified. (I should qualify that. If it's a long and complicated tutorial, we can't simplify it. Instead, you should find simpler tutorials, to learn the things that you need to understand the long and complicated tutorials. I hope that makes sense, lol.)

But anyway, we're here to help :D

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Re: Inkscape Ebooks/help file

Postby nihon94 » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:11 pm

Hello Brynn,

I am so thrilled, in just one posting I got such a nice reply.
You are right as you have given explanation specially I like
the most about Blur and Filters.

Without knowing some rules of Inkscape I have drawn a lot of images but still thinking how could I share them?

Once again I appreciate your help it is very easy and understandable. I wish book writers should also follow you.

Thank you

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Re: Inkscape Ebooks/help file

Postby brynn » Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:54 pm

You're welcome :D

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