Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

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Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby TomBarlow » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:46 am


I am working on a science project which involves plotting graphs in mathematica, and somehow getting them into a TeX document. I am trying to put two related graphs into the same space (one smaller and inset), to do this I am trying to use Inkscape to copy one into the other, and resizing the one I want inset. I have run into a problem though- some objects do not copy over, and for the life of me I cannot figure out why. There are some (but not all) numbers labeling the axes missing, as well as some of the notches marking the axes (so it's not just text). If I copy *either* graph into the other one, the one I paste over is incomplete. If I try and paste both into a new document, the one I paste *second* is incomplete, but the first one is always complete! If I go to 'Import .svg image into this document', bits are still missing. It is always the same parts missing. Pasting into new layers does not change anything.

If I select one graph and go to ungroup, then just select one of the objects that isn't copying over, I still cannot copy it- nothing happens when I try to paste it into the other document.

Also- one of my graphs has a number on one axis which should be 15.240, but only 15. is copied over. This is really confusing because it looks like just one object when I ungroup the graph...

I am really confused and frustrated here, if anyone can shed some light on this that would really help. I can upload the .svgs if anyone wants to take a look.

I am using Windows XP, Inkscape 0.46. Both .svgs are running in the same Inkscape instance.


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Re: Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby Viscious-Speed » Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:35 am

I can't copy & paste from one screen to another either but try opening the folder containing the other graph, and drag it into the current inskcape screen u working on. Hope that makes sense.

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Re: Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby TomBarlow » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:53 am

Thanks for the reply, I tried what you suggested but the exact same thing happened.

The thing is, I *can* copy and paste, it's just that not everything is being copied over. It's as if some objects are refusing to exist in the same .svg document...

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Re: Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby Viscious-Speed » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:57 am

Hmm, I wish i know what else to suggest but I''m too new at inkscape. Hopefully u'll get some other suggestions from the pros here. Good luck!

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Re: Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby TomBarlow » Sat Apr 04, 2009 2:41 am

Thanks anyway. I might try converting it straight to .tex, although that isn't working for me either... I think I need to ask about that on a tex forum.

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Re: Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby EarlyBlake » Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:56 pm

Is Inkscape taking, the item ids generated in Tex document, and using the same XML ids in Inkscape XML tree? That would cause a problem if two items ended up with the same id in the inkscape XML tree. If that is the case, then after you bring in you first path. Create a new layer (to keep things neat) and copy and past the plot on a new layer. Delete the old layer before you bring in the second plot. That should give all the Tex items new names in the Inkscape XML tree. Add a new layer just to be safe and then copy and paste the next plot in.

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Re: Can't paste some objects (can paste others in same group)

Postby TomBarlow » Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:54 am

Ah it worked!! Thank you so much!

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