invisible box / cutting off text

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invisible box / cutting off text

Postby laneyink » Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:44 am

anytime i type it seems there is an invisible box around the words that is cutting off parts of the beginning, ends, bottoms and sometimes tops of my words. Just got a new mac and had to update to inkscape .91 I'm sure this is some simple setting but I'm not familiar enough to know what.. Id really appreciate some help. I cut vinyl letter stencils and only use words on inkscape so this is causing me a lot of trouble. Thanks

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Re: invisible box / cutting off text

Postby Lazur » Sun Oct 11, 2015 8:47 am


Probably you made a flowed text instead of a regular one. Make sure not to rectangle select the text area, just click with the text tool to write.

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Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2015 5:23 am

Re: invisible box / cutting off text

Postby laneyink » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:17 am

Thanks for the reply. I've been working with text tool from the left bar only. This is the way I've done it for years but since I got the new version .91 on my new Mac I've been having this problem. I was hopeing there may be some new setting I didn't know to turn on/off? Thanks

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Re: invisible box / cutting off text

Postby Moini » Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:13 am

There's a known bug, as far as I know... Even two, it seems: and could be the right ones - does it change if you zoom in and out?
Something doesn't work? - Keeping an eye on the status bar can save you a lot of time!

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