~suv wrote:InkCat wrote:I am sorry to hear that. For some illustrators, that would be a deal-breaker in terms of getting them to migrate from Illustrator to Inkscape..but perhaps there are other, more important goals of the project which I'm not seeing
Can you elaborate? The Gradient tool to edit gradients on-canvas (will) offer(s) the same features as the Gradient Editor in the non-modal, floating dialog window.
Sure. The gradient tool as it now works in Inkscape 0.48, on a Mac running within X-11 is a medium-strength pain in the neck.
Granted, you can get it to work and it produces beautiful gradients. But the need to constantly have to click and re-click and sometimes you get bushwhacked because you forgot to click and re-click, then you notice that something you didn't want to change DID change, then you must undo and re-trace your steps, etc... this is an un-necessary layer of complication, hassle and headache which disrupts a smooth and effective workflow.
It sounds like a new gradient tool is planned. This might be great, but only if its
behavior improves.
and I am talking about editing gradients using the Node tool...the icon is 2nd from the top, right underneath the black arrow tool and above the Tweak tool. I prefer this to the Gradient Editor, which is very klunky, tho it works ok.
Using the node editor to adjust gradients is preferred for me, because the nodes appear directly on top of the item containing the gradient I'm working on (or I can move it as needed).
In a nutshell: improving the behavior of this gradient tool greatly increases the effectiveness of Inkscape, while simultaneously greatly reduces the effort to use it.
that's just my 2 cents!
thank you for reading.