JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

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JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Fri Nov 25, 2011 7:33 am

Greeting to all you gifted Inkscape designers,

To adapt one innovative notation to another (which I created) I need to create a template. Instead of bombarding you busy, good people with 1000 boring details, I depict what I need. Here you see one octave of (Before) Klavarskribo notation, which I need to change to the "After" design to fit the 3-row Janko/ Uniform keyboard layout:

Since most graphic designers are rarely musicians as well, I kept above drawing pretty neutral and simple for all to understand.
Q: I already d/l and installed Inkscape-0.48.2-1-win32. I have poor graphic skills, but as a young pensioner (70) "Made in East Germany", I'm already used to all sort of "hardship"! As you are quasi "at home" at Inkscape, I thought your good advice will be greatly appreciated. Ideal would be a transparent type of template, which I drop onto a picture of the original (Klavarskribo) notation, to correct the lines.
To could send you a copy of the original Klavarskript lined DIN A4 page.
On the brighter side, I'm, a "whistler-musician". (Watch me blowing up on YouTube: KPEW8KdBxds) Chances are, you don't like my (mother's designed) face, but might like what you hear! If you do, then we can do a bit of "talent swap" in that I reward your assistance with some of my best recordings.
In case you too are musically spirited, I can enlighten you with the details of my project. Basically, I built my own wooden Janko Kbd and created an innovative WYSIWYG Klavarskribo type notation for a 3-row Janko/ Uniform Kbd layout for my Tyros3.
Warm Regards from Johannes K. Drinda in Chile

Correction= YouTube: KPEW8KdBxds
Last edited by jjj on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:21 pm

Welcome to InkscapeForum!

First, I'm not sure I personally have the skills to help much. I have a kind of basic understanding of music, having had 4 years of piano lessons as a child, and self-taught guitar as teenager. But I have never heard of this style of music notation (Klavar for short?). Nor have I ever seen or heard of a Janko keyboard. I did a bit of reading in Wikipedia though, so I think I have a kind of general idea about them now. (And btw, wow, I think that Janko keyboard would be hard to play! Although I guess practice is always the key.) Anyway, I still have several questions. Even if I can't solve the problem, I think answers to my questions will help those who can.

Next, let me make sure I understand the terminology. Klavar is a kind of music notation for a regular piano keyboard, while Janko is actually an alternative kind of keyboard. So you're writing some kind of notation to be used for playing music with the Janko keyboard? And you want to convert the klavar notation to the new janko notation for a given (or many given) piece(s) of music?

  • In the image you posted with the before and after, do you need a template to make that exact change (or some specific change) many different times? Do you want the identical template to be automatically applied to many different docs? Or will there be countless variations of "befores" which need to be converted? If there are countless "befores" to be converted, this would involve quite a complex computer program, just to make the conversions, and then another one to make Inkscape draw it. This would require a very talented computer programmer. If there's just one or maybe a few, Inkscape might be able to do it.
  • Will it be an actual template, like some sort of clear plastic like my math teacher used to use on those old overhead projectors? Assuming you have the capability to print onto such a product, and there's only one template (or a few to several) needed, this will be definitely do-able. Or do you mean a document, which will be maybe like a layer on top of already existing klavar notation documents? Perhaps they already exist in PDF? (Or even better, SVG?)
  • What will be the source of the klavar music? If it's to be like a layer added to existing klavar documents, I guess you've already worked through compatibility of SVG with other file formats? This scenario would have to assume that the klavar docs are all the same size and resolution, as well as the aforementioned format compatibility.
  • Does either the klavar or janko notation use perhaps a graphic font (like the so-called wingding or dingbat type of font)? Or maybe you have worked out something with Inkscape's new Glyphs feature (Text menu > Glyphs)?

Depending on your answers, and assuming I have the general idea, I think it sounds like Inkscape can do this. You could attach the "copy of the original Klavarskript lined DIN A4 page" file that you mentioned, if it's not too big. Actually I don't know if there's a size limit for single file attachments, but you could try. Or maybe you could attach a portion of it, so we can have an idea about the complexity of the notation that will be involved (since you only showed a simplified version). Let's say something like the equivalent of a typical "line" of music.....let's say.....oh gosh, I've forgotten the right word....maybe "bars" of traditional notation? Say 8 or 10 bars?

Ok then, that's a start :D

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Sat Nov 26, 2011 1:53 am

Hi brynn, so nice of you to show interest in something truly creative and innovative! :)
I have never heard of this style of music notation (Klavar for short?). Klavar is a great WYSIWYG notation, which anyone instantly understands. Just press the keys shown in this notation! What could be simpler? My challenge is to create a musical instrument (now I enjoy my Yamaha'sTyros3), which is fast to learn and easy to play!!

Janko/ Uniform Kbd: Its pattern is that regular that there are only two scale patterns to learn for minor & major modes: one that starts on the upper row, and one that starts on the lower (compared to the twelve patterns for each mode on the familiar, highly irregular piano keyboard). Also, the hand span for an octave is 25% less compared to the familiar piano Kbd layout, meaning that it's easier to play larger intervals.

Terminology: Klavar is music notation for a regular piano keyboard, while Janko is actually an alternative kind of keyboard. So you're writing some kind of notation to be used for playing music with the Janko keyboard? And you want to convert the Klavar notation to the new Janko notation for a given (or many given) piece(s) of music? Right, but actually to do this line correction, no music ...only graphic Inkscape knowledge is required. Think only of graphically changing the lines. Yet, it makes more meaningful to know what it is for.

This would involve quite a complex computer program I contacted the author of (freeware) KlavarScript. He was interested, but I have to hold my breath and cross my fingers, if or when he is adding this feature to his program. It involves lots of work, as you rightly pointed out. That's why I thought of a far simpler graphic solution.

Will it be an actual template, like some sort of clear plastic like my math teacher used to use on those old overhead projectors? Yes, that's right! For it only provides a grill, a frame or lines, which whitens out the two line (on the left in "Before") and adds three slightly thicker lines, as shown in "After". That's why I think it couldn't be that difficult to create.

What will be the source of the Klavar music? PDF? (Or even better, SVG?) This is how I thought of applying it: 1) First I use the small KlavarScript program ( http://www.vdkolk.nl/klavar/mainpage-en.htm ) to convert any MIDI-file to Klavarskribo notation
2) I edit the notes in there and then copy the page (with CaptureWiz, screen capture APP) to create a .bmp etc. picture of it.
3) I have got all PDF and M$-Office Apps and so, could also create a PDF etc. of it. KlavarScript also allows file saving in MIDI and XML format.
4) I then precisely drop the graphic template over the picture, which then corrects the lines to fit the Janko layout.
5) With the Janko Kbd the note colors are unimportant, because the lines alone are supposed to define its keys.

Attach the "copy of the original Klavarskribo lines DIN A4 page" file that you mentioned, if it's not too big.
Good that you mention its size. Maybe it will be necessary to half its size? That would mean I then have two drop the template twice over each page, unless there's a way of "zooming it". Important is only that I can print a DIN A4 page of it.
Below one Pic (zoomed to 70% of its original size) of plain, lined DIN A4 page and the same Pic with notation on it. Also, a wooden 3-row Janko/ Uniform Kbd, which I build over my old Roland D20 Synth, which can be easily removed with hair-dryer. I made up an instruction PDF of it.




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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Sat Nov 26, 2011 9:11 pm

So the black filled circles and the open circles (or Os), will those be part of the drawing, or is it just the lines? Because if you overlay the After on top of the Before, the open circles are filled. And the circles that are filled in the Before are open in the After. So an overlay can only add content. It can't remove content. You could make the open circles to be filled with opaque white, so that they resemble open circles on the overlay. But will you be able to print white on the transparency sheet? Or is it just the lines you need?

So do you read the music down the page? Or are the images just turned around to fit?

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:31 am

brynn wrote:So the black filled circles and the open circles (or Os), will those be part of the drawing, or is it just the lines? Because if you overlay the After on top of the Before, the open circles are filled. And the circles that are filled in the Before are open in the After. So an overlay can only add content. It can't remove content. You could make the open circles to be filled with opaque white, so that they resemble open circles on the overlay. But will you be able to print white on the transparency sheet? Or is it just the lines you need?

You are right brynn that needs to be clarified. Here's how I have to do:
With the KlavarScript program I first convert a MIDI-file to Klavarskribo notation. That means, the notation will be filled in, in the "Before: lines and it's then that I drop the template over it, which then corrects the lines by whitening out two lines and adds three slightly thicker lines. That's why the template has to be transparent, as not to cover up the notation/ notes.
Important is too, that the result can be printed onto a DIN A4 page.

So do you read the music down the page? Or are the images just turned around to fit?
Yes, I read this notation vertically. With practice I'll learn to transfer the notation distances to my hands on the Kbd.
Besides, I will mention everywhere that the good people of the Inkscape Forum helped me to create this template. So, we can proudly share the success of this innovative notation, which I designed and you developed. 8-) The great thing is, this notation is still not patented.

There's a void in the market for hobby musicians, who would love to embrace a musical setup, which allows them to learn and play a Synth the easiest and fastest way! That's exactly what my idea offers. We could even turn it into a business, by offering a package deal, consisting in a 3-row DIY Janko/ Uniform Kbd kit plus appropriate notation !! :)

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:14 am

Well I have to admire your enthusiasm :D This does sound like a simple thing to do with Inkscape. I have one last question. You keep saying "DIN A4 page". I know what the A4 means. It's rather a standard page size for graphics. But I don't know what the DIN means. Assuming the answer to that isn't going to be a stumbling block, I think all that's needed would be one of those Klavar notation pages, in the size that you need, in some format that Inkscape can import (PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF, there are many). Or it would be a simple matter to explain to you how to do it, as well.

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:32 am

Yes, you are right! I preserved that child-like (not childish!) happiness. People over here keep telling me that I'm young at heart and won't ever get old! :)
D-I-N, simply means D-eutsche I-ndustrie N-orm = German Industry Norm - Hence, A4 is good enough.
The two pages I sent, I reduced (zoomed out) to 70%. So, for as long I can zoom it to A4 format will be fine. It also doesn't matter if the whitened out lines delete a small part of the notes in that space. The notes and its location will still remain visible. The colors of the notes were only useful for the traditional piano Kbd. My 3-row Kbd's orientation consists of the 3 slightly thicker drawn lines.
The author of KlavarScript too, agreed that my innovative notation appropriately fits the Janko Kbd layout.

Before I settled on the Janko Kbd layout, I studied various other Kbd layouts. MIDI-encoding a C-button accordion type of Kbd and plug it into my Tyros 3 MIDI would be even better, for it is technically even superior; i.e. has far greater hand-span ...up to 5 Oct !!) Yet, there I would have to completely relearn to play the keyboard layout. Also, it would be even harder to create a WYSIWYG notation for it.

So, since the Janko layout is only slightly different from the traditional piano layout, it's the next best choice. If you are a handyman (like me) you could easily build this wooden 3-row Janko Uniform layout, too. I can send you the construction PDF for it. It's never too late to enjoy musical creativity, because now you discovered totally new possibilities...
See just, because you showed good will you getting to know the advantages of Janko and Klavarskribo. That's how nature's laws reward us. I also believe that nothing is coincidental in life. That we met in this way has been planned for Millennia. It finally happened and thus, let's make the best out of it! :) My website: http://jdrinda.tripod.com

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Sun Nov 27, 2011 8:32 pm

No, I'm sorry but I would need the original at it's full size. I can scale it to get it back to the right size, but it will make the lines blurry, and make it harder for me draw the new lines properly. Because everything is so small, I think precision will be important.

Ok, I've been using the image you posted ( the 70% one), just to try and get an idea what to do. But I can't seem to make your Before image match in any way with the image of the klavar sheet. And I realize that you might not have drawn your Before image to scale. Here's are some screenshots. This is the only way it seems to work:

openOtospace.PNG (16.88 KiB) Viewed 9281 times

So I can match the open circles to spaces on the sheet. The red highlight shows where they match. The blue highlights shows where they don't quite fit, but maybe your drawing wasn't quite to scale?

I've tried to match the lines (which you say are the most important), but I can't seem to match them to any lines on the sheet. This is as close as I can get, where the red highlight shows the lines can be matched with spaces on the right, but not on the left where the blue highlights are.

closedOtospace.PNG (16.95 KiB) Viewed 9281 times

Or below, I can match the lines with other spaces on the sheet, but not all of them.

linetospace.PNG (15.99 KiB) Viewed 9281 times

I've managed to match the lines with lines on the right, but not on the left, as below.

linestolines.PNG (17.4 KiB) Viewed 9281 times

So can you show me which lines you need covered with white, which ones need to be added or thickened, and which need to be left alone (if any)?

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:39 am

Here's a .bmp copy 100% size of the A4 KlavarSkribo page. After dinner I'll answer the rest of questions. I used the scroll feature of screen CaptureWiz.
You can easily create it from KlavarScript App.
1) Download this 1.2Mb App here: http://www.vdkolk.nl/klavar/download.ph ... ar-2009-02
2) on upper left click > NEW
3) Select > Keyboard (staff on A4)
That's all to it... :)

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:15 am

I think you'll like this: Here's a small sample of the notation scaled to 100% and I lined the lines all on its original lines; i.e. I did not just draw a few lines or an octave and then copied the rest of lines. So, that means you got the 100% scale!

http://hotfile.com/dl/136137851/7a1d2ce ... d.bmp.html

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:01 pm

Awesome, I'm almost ready to go. Next problem. The 100% BMP you provided does not fit exactly the Inkscape A4 document size. I suspect that when the program that spits out the klavar notation, it includes some margins, and that possibly you didn't capture all the margins. But I don't really know. Anyway, the A4 document size is 744.09 x 1052.36 px. Your 100% BMP size is 726.00 x 987.00 px. Since these lines are so VERY narrow, even 0.5 px off the mark is going to make it impossible to use.

So should I just make it to fit the 100% BMP?

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:18 am

Yes, make it to fit the 100% BMP. It got out of 100%, because to draw the lines, I zoomed in to 150% or more the Pic and then forgot to zoom it out....
Like a little kid, I was too excited that it turned out that good (!!) and wanted to get it to you as quickly as possible. As this Pic now clearly shows, it's all possible and looks pretty good, too. Of course, I will have to drop this template onto pages with notation and thus, it must only correct the lines, not cover up the notation. I think with this Pic you will clearly see what is needed:
http://hotfile.com/dl/136206493/7d89aab ... 0.bmp.html

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:45 pm

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:55 am

The KlavarScript dictates that I have to stick to format A4, but I think the size shouldn't be a problem.
I suppose I can only apply the template to a .bmp image.

I am so glad I successfully thought up this fitting WYSIWYG Janko/ Uniform notation, because trying to relearn this layout by ear is frustrating. That's where this notation is going to help in the relearning process.
The simple rule will be:
1) All notes on the lines are to be played in the Kbd's middle row and...
2) all notes in between the lines are to be played on the bottom or upper row!
The slightly thicker drawn lines help me to orientate.
Thus, I'll have to indoctrinate myself with this new notation rule. :)

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:00 am

Oh sorry. I meant what file format do you want me to make the file?
I guess the main factor determining this decision would be how you're going to print it. Are you going to use an ordinary computer printer? Do you have a program in mind to use to print it? What file format does that program require? Or if you plan to have it done by a professional printer, does he/she need some particular file format.

I suppose I can only apply the template to a .bmp image.

I'm not sure what you mean by this? I thought that this image I'm drawing was going to be printed on some sort of plastic transparency (ala overhead projector). And that you would be placing it over an actual piece of paper with the music printed on the paper?

I've run into a minor glitch. On the blank sheet with the lines (the 100% BMP file) (and also on your screenshot of the lined sheet) the space between the first 2 lines is not the same in each column. Possibly even the person who wrote the program which creates it is not even aware. In columns 1, 11, 16 and 21, the space betwee the first 2 lines is 4 pixels. In column 6, that space is 3 pixels.

I say it's minor glitch, because we can still make the template work. Here, I'll make a zoomed in screenshot to show it. The thin red lines are just for reference.


Oh ok, now that I've made an illustration to show this, I see that only 2 of the columns are exactly identical. So as I said, I can still make it work. But if you run into any music made from a different program, the template might not work on it.

I'm actually almost finished now, and all I need to know is the file format that you want. If it's a format this forum accepts (not BMP) I can just upload it here, and you can download it. If you need BMP, I guess you'll need to give me your email address (send it to me in a PM, don't post it in a reply).

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:53 am

Just wondering... did you receive my last email address etc. in your PM? I'm not too sure. :?:

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:50 am

No, I haven't received any PM from you.
I still need to know what file format you want for the image. (SVG, PNG, PDF, etc.?)

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Sun Dec 04, 2011 9:08 am

Yes, I really did sent you two PM's. Maybe I did something wrong that they didn't arrive or it's the bitter cold weather up North in your neck of the woods... :)
Best is in A4 .bmp format, because then I can change it to any other format I like later on.
Maybe it would be better to make it only about half the A4 page, because then I can scroll the page on the PC and apply the template for the bottom part of the page. Of course that would mean that I have to apply the template twice on each page, because the PC screen and software won't allow me to do it in one go ...unless of course you know of a better solution?

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:47 pm

Maybe it would be better to make it only about half the A4 page, because then I can scroll the page on the PC and apply the template for the bottom part of the page. Of course that would mean that I have to apply the template twice on each page, because the PC screen and software won't allow me to do it in one go ...unless of course you know of a better solution?

Ok, I'm confused. I thought you said you were going to print it on some sort of clear plastic or some substance, so that you can actually place the clear plastic sheet with the new lines actually over a real sheet of paper (I was thinking like on the music stand of the keyboard).

You don't mean that you want to put the clear plastic sheet with the lines printed in front of the compter monitor (with the klavar music displayed)? Do you? If that's what you're planning to do, I would suggest printing out the klavar pages instead, and use the full size template.

Or are you talking about adding this document to the klavar music document, like on the computer's hard drive?

I haven't received any PMs from you. One thing that often trips me up, is after you type the username (in this case "brynn" without quotes), you have to click the Add button. I'm not sure, but I think you even have to click Add when you use the search name feature. Or if you go to my profile and click "Send private messsage" it automatically adds the name, all properly spelled and such. After you successfully send it, you'll see it waiting in your Outbox, until I've opened it (it will look like "Outbox (1)" in the column on the left side of the page).

If you still can't get it to work, I could send you a PM, then you can click Reply, and it will be automatically ready.

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:22 am

Yes, now I remember where we were at, the last time. Maybe I still did not clearly enough describe the process, on how I plan to apply this template:
i) I convert a MIDI-file with KlavarScript, creating (KlavarScript) notation in format A4 page.
ii) I then copy this KlavarScript notation page by creating an .bmp image with my trusty MGI image editor.
iii) It's then, when I precisely drop the correction template onto it.

In other words, the template graphically corrects the existing KlavarScript notation lines.
The tricky bit: Since this notation page will have notes onto its lines, it's important that the template only corrects the lines and does not cover up the notation (!!) And that's where I thought it might be wiser to make the template only about half page size of A4, because it's almost impossible to find an image editor, which displays an A4 page in 100%.
My MGI image editor is able to display an A4 page, zoomed to 70% and it still would allow me to match the lines. Only before printing it, i would zoom it to 100%.

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:19 am

ii) I then copy this KlavarScript notation page by creating an .bmp image with my trusty MGI image editor.
iii) It's then, when I precisely drop the correction template onto it.

So you have a document, let's call it klavar1.bmp, on your computer's hard drive, and displayed on your screen. And you want to place the new template that I'm making on top of it. When you make this step, what program are you using? The MGI image editor? So you'll be importing the template document into the klavar notation document?

.....because it's almost impossible to find an image editor, which displays an A4 page in 100%

That's probably because most computer screens aren't big enough, not because the editor can't do it. If you had a computer screen as tall as the A4 page, I'm sure any image editor could display the whole thing at once.

But it doesn't make sense to have the template not fit the page. If you have to scroll it to see the bottom half of the page, you'll scroll the template right along with it. If you have to zoom out to see the full page, you'll be zooming both the page and the template. Unless I still don't understand?

Ok, I have your PM with email address, and I can send the new file jankosheet.bmp to it, as soon as I'm sure that I don't need to do anything else before I send it.

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:30 pm

brynn wrote:
ii) I then copy this KlavarScript notation page by creating an .bmp image with my trusty MGI image editor.
iii) It's then, when I precisely drop the correction template onto it.

So you have a document, let's call it klavar1.bmp, on your computer's hard drive, and displayed on your screen. And you want to place the new template that I'm making on top of it. When you make this step, what program are you using? The MGI image editor?
So you'll be importing the template document into the klavar notation document?
Yes!I imagine this template to be just a .bmp image of a line correction grid or lattice, which I can drop on top the A4 .bmp notation document. It only corrects the lines, but does not cover up the notation.

.....because it's almost impossible to find an image editor, which displays an A4 page in 100%

That's probably because most computer screens aren't big enough, not because the editor can't do it. If you had a computer screen as tall as the A4 page, I'm sure any image editor could display the whole thing at once.
But it doesn't make sense to have the template not fit the page. If you have to scroll it to see the bottom half of the page, you'll scroll the template right along with it. If you have to zoom out to see the full page, you'll be zooming both the page and the template. Unless I still don't understand?
Of course the template has to perfectly fit the page and line spacings, but I thought of vertically half the page so, that I can apply it twice, because the PC screen does not allow me to 100% zoom the A4 page. Yet, there's a better solution: If I, before applying the template, zoom out the A4 page and template size to 70%, then my MGI image editor can fit the whole page (!!) This way I need only apply the template once on each notation page.

Ok, I have your PM with email address, and I can send the new file jankosheet.bmp to it, as soon as I'm sure that I don't need to do anything else before I send it.
Great! :)

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:20 am

Hi brynn,
Thank you for the two files. You wrote: Attached are 2 files. One is just the black and white lines (jankosheet.png) and the other I included margins (jankosheetm.png). The top left corner of the one with margins matches exactly the top left corner of the klavar sheet. I thought it might make it easier to align that way. When I was about to convert them to BMP, I realized that it won't work for you, because BMP does not allow transparency. Only PNG (or SVG) can provide the needed transparency.
Since my old MGI (image editor) does not open .png files, I opened your files with Inkscape. The problem I now have is that I wouldn't know how to drop your lines on top the Klavar notation page? - Maybe I have to first convert the .bmp notation page to .png? To be honest, to me your lines seem vaguely resemble the innovative notation line pattern I proposed or maybe it's only my optical illusion? :)
I think The best way to progress will be a step-by-step instruction on how to do the correction process with Inkscape. Also, please feel free to suggest another method. As usual, many ways lead to Rome!

I think there may be a problem though. In your last message, you emphasized how you still need to see the....notes, I guess. And as I was making it, I was wondering how you would do that. So you will see, when you use it, that I made the white lines (which block out the unwanted black ones) the full width between the heavy black lines. I'm afraid that might block out some notes. If that happens, let me know, and I'll make the white lines to fit exactly the black ones which they are blocking out. The reason I made them wider, was to allow for some variability in klavar sheets. If I make the white lines exactly the width of the black lines which they hide, they might not cover the black lines, if you have a klavar sheet in which the lines vary slightly. (And they do vary, even on the example you gave me.)
Yes, I knew that that the white lines will partly whiten the notes in this line as well, but if the lines are precise, the 80% of the notes still will be visible (!) The good thing is that these (irregular) KlavarScript page staff lines stay invariably the same (in that KlavarScript program)and that allows us to adjust the lines accordingly irregular, once and for all (future pages).

Anyway, feel free to let me know if the files need to be edited further. I'll be glad to do it Open-mouthed smile emoticon
Aren't you nice! That you were the only one willing to help me unconditionally, again shows that there really exist only two kinds of people in our world: the good, generous and the bad, selfish ones!
As always, there are of course justified exceptions for not being able to help others. Life taught me that being good invariably pays and thus, I do not even dare to think of infringing nature's laws. I only wished our self-appointed moral teachers would convey this simple insight to young people.
One good turn deserves another good turn and so, I offer you a d/l of my best whistling recordings. These are the same recordings I sold to tourists for years, while performing my emotional creativity of whistling to music in public.
In this way we are able to swap our talents and that's as good as cash, isn't it? :)
If all people in our world would be good-willed, we would neither need money nor police, courts and jails etc.
So, the best will be I upload my goodies onto a file server (such as "Hotfile")and send you the link. It might take a couple of hours of upload, for I have several 100Mb of Mp3 for you... and you then can already enjoy it, while perfecting this project. I''ll sent you the link in PM.
Warm Regards, from Joh in summery St'go ;)

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby brynn » Tue Dec 06, 2011 8:54 am

To be honest, to me your lines seem vaguely resemble the innovative notation line pattern I proposed or maybe it's only my optical illusion?

They're almost exactly the same! Isn't that what you wanted?

The problem I now have is that I wouldn't know how to drop your lines on top the Klavar notation page?

This is what I was trying to ascertain in the very beginning of this topic. How did you plan to do this? At first you indicated it would be like the plastic sheet over paper. And in the end, I thought I understood it would happen in the MGI program.

Wow, I've never heard of an image editor that cannot open or import a PNG! Maybe it's time for a new image editor? I can recommend The GIMP (http://www.gimp.org) which is free and open source. And there are several really good, free, raster graphics programs (Irfanview, perhaps the most versatile or Paint.NET). All will open the klavar BMP files, then you could import the PNG template. I could send you a BMP file, but it won't be transparent.

It's not necessary to upload your music files for me. I just like to help if I can. Although I'm not sure now whether I've helped or not? Anyway, I will listen to them on the internet, via your original link.

Well, I would have to strongly disagree that there are only 2 kinds of people in the world! I think there are as many different kinds of people, as there are people. We are all unique. And just because someone doesn't offer to help, doesn't make them "bad and selfish". It just makes them busy with prior commitments (such as their own family and friends, for example).

.....and you then can already enjoy it, while perfecting this project.

Please tell me what else needs to be done.

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Re: JANKO musical Kbd notation correction template

Postby jjj » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:43 pm

I wrote that the lines seem vaguely resemble my proposed notation line pattern, because don't know how to drop/transfer the correction grid onto the Klavar notation page. They might indeed look perfect once we manage that crucial step.
I merely used the comparison of the transparent plastic sheet to explain how the template or grid should correct the lines, but of course, I then also added the step-by-step procedure I plan to apply.

That's why I think, the best way to achieve it might be, when you put this crucial step into practice (using Inkscape), by dropping this correction template or grid onto the notation page I sent you.
Its size isn't that important, because the size to fit an A4 page can be adjusted before printing it out. Important is only that the correction lines precisely fit the somewhat irregular lines of the KlavarScribo program page. That way, the white correction lines won't whiten out much of existing notes.
I too, strongly disagree with ..."that there are only 2 kinds of people in the world" and that's why I did not forget to add: "As always, there are of course justified exceptions for not being able to help others."

Tomorrow, first thing... I'm going to (as promised) upload my master pieces for you! I already wrote a note her on my PC Kbd.
It's almost 1:00 A.M. here... Good night, good brynn ;)

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