Inkscape 1.0 animation

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Inkscape 1.0 animation

Postby amiga5k » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:24 pm

I see in the wiki that animation is not scheduled to be included, officially, until version 1.0 or thereabouts. I know animation is not Inkscape's primary function, but, man, how cool would THAT be?

I've downloaded several 2D animation packages for Linux, and, although several of them are nice, the only one I reasonably liked was Synfig. But even it is really lacking in some critical areas, namely drawing tools and bones. For the drawing tools, I thought it would be awesome if Inkscape could be somehow brought into the program (or Synfig into Inkscape!). The bones implementation would need a total overhaul, though, IMHO.

The two together would be near Toon Boom level awesomeness...and free!

Just an idea...

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Re: Inkscape 1.0 animation

Postby hellocatfood » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:03 am

I think it's unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Synfig and Tupi both have SVG import though they of course work differently to Inkscape. There are many bug reports regarding this feature but I don't think there is the interest from developers (yet).

Get a Launchpad account and follow these bug reports for updates on this feature:

bug 170072
bug 170275
bug 170730
bug 176314
bug 179180
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