changing stroke width pencil tool

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changing stroke width pencil tool

Postby annabv1 » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:16 am

Hi, I'm a new member here, and have a question about the pencil tool. (I have Inkscape 0.46, by the way).
When I use the pencil tool with the ellipse, triangle in or out options, how can I change the width of the stroke? The stroke paint in in the Fill and Stroke window is unchecked, so that's not what I mean. It's the radius of the ellipse or the base of the triangle that I'd like to change. Am I making sense? I'd be grateful for your help!!

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Re: changing stroke width pencil tool

Postby Ufuk_k » Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:11 am

Since the shapes drawn with pencil has no stroke and has only fill color, I think you can resize the shapes like other ones normally, or you can edit specific nodes to change the shape.
Ufuk Kilicaslan


Re: changing stroke width pencil tool

Postby annabv1 » Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:17 am

Ufuk_k wrote:Since the shapes drawn with pencil has no stroke and has only fill color, I think you can resize the shapes like other ones normally, or you can edit specific nodes to change the shape.

Editing the nodes will change the shape of the stroke, but not proportions, and if I resize the shape, stroke width doesn't change.
The only solution I've found so far is resizing, then clicking on Object to Path (by default, the stroke is the path), and then scaling it down again, This way I get a thinner stroke then the original, but I was wondering if there's a simple way than that to change stroke width.

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Re: changing stroke width pencil tool

Postby ~suv » Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:28 am

  1. You could draw a slimmer triangle, copy it to the clipboard and use it with the option 'from clipboard' with the pencil tool
  2. You can edit the pattern used for the LPE: select the pencil line/path, switch to the node editor and use the 'Show next path effect parameter for editing' button on the node tool controls bar (third button from the right end). Now zoom to show the whole page - in the upper left corner you have a small triangle/ellipse used to create the stroke outline for your pencil line/path. You can now edit the nodes on canvas e.g. reduce the width of the base and see the live path effect in action.
(BTW - 0.46 (at least 0.46-2 on OS X) doesn't have any options for the pencil - you use a devel snapshot or prerelease version?)

hth, ~suv


Re: changing stroke width pencil tool

Postby annabv1 » Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:54 am

Hey ~suv, that was very helpful, thank you!!


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