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Starry Night
Starry Night
Every Inkscape work of mine is an experiment.
Re: Starry Night
It's a very convincing star field. Did you try creating the starfield in one step using the tile clone using the setting to scale the stars as well as position them? I imagine such a method may not produce convincing results.
Re: Starry Night
Thanks for your comment, and no, I didn't try that function. I don't even know what "tile clone" is. Is it available in v.0.46 pre2?
Every Inkscape work of mine is an experiment.
Re: Starry Night
bwansy wrote:Thanks for your comment, and no, I didn't try that function. I don't even know what "tile clone" is. Is it available in v.0.46 pre2?
I think it was introduced in 0.41. You can read about it here - Chapter 14. Tiling
You may find you can create your starfield in 2 steps. I used it for the starfield on this image - http://microugly.deviantart.com/art/Pri ... a-42806436
Re: Starry Night
Thanks for telling me. However in 0.46 pre2, it seems to be buggy. For instance, randomizing size and blur have no effect.
Every Inkscape work of mine is an experiment.
Re: Starry Night
You might like to check if that has been reported to the developers, and if not post a new bug report.
Re: Starry Night
Thanks for this tutorial! You are clearly a very talented artist.
I had the same problem actually, although I assumed it was because I wasn't doing something right.
it seems to be buggy. For instance, randomizing size and blur have no effect.
I had the same problem actually, although I assumed it was because I wasn't doing something right.
Re: Starry Night
Hi -- I'd like to see the tut, but don't see a link to it. Where can I find it? Thanks.
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Inkscape for Cutting Design
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Inkscape for Cutting Design
Re: Starry Night
brynn wrote:Hi -- I'd like to see the tut, but don't see a link to it. Where can I find it? Thanks.
I think it might be DA server error, I also can't load the page when I click the image in the first post.
Try this http://bwansy.deviantart.com/art/Starry ... l-78599037
just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt
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Inkscape Manual on Floss
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Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Re: Starry Night
"...I also can't load the page when I click the image in the first post."
Image? What image? I don't even see an image in the 1st post. The description "Starry Night" caught my attention, and wanted to see it.
Why don't I see the image? Is it a setting on my end? I just checked my board display settings, and it IS set to display images. Moreover, I can see images in other posts. Although I do recall some time ago, posting a similar message, where I didn't see any links to a tutorial that I wanted to look at. As I recall, there was no reply. So if there was an image I couldn't see, that would explain why I didn't see the link (AND why there was no reply).
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Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
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Inkscape for Cutting Design
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Re: Starry Night
its actually flash (the image is embedded in flash)
just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt
Inkscape Manual on Floss
Inkscape FAQ
very comprehensive Inkscape guide
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Inkscape Manual on Floss
Inkscape FAQ
very comprehensive Inkscape guide
Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook - 109 recipes to learn and explore Inkscape - with SVG examples to download
Re: Starry Night
Problem solved, I see it now
Yes, nice image, nice tut!
Problem solved, I see it now
Yes, nice image, nice tut!
Basics - Help menu > Tutorials
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Re: Starry Night
Off topic:
brynn wrote:Why don't I see the image? Is it a setting on my end?
DeviantArt work is displayed on this site using Flash - you need to have Flash player installed to be able to see it.
As for those you who can't click the image, I've found that I can click it on one PC and not on another. The one that isn't working for me Is a Vista 64 box with Opera 9.5 beta - so it could be a number of factors stopping it from working properly I might have to encourage people to manually provide a plain-text link as well - I know it annoys me that I can't manually open the flash link in a new tab.
Re: Starry Night
Thanks prkos and microUgly!
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Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Manual - Inkscape: Guide to a Vector Drawing Program
Inkscape Community - Inkscape FAQ - Gallery
Inkscape for Cutting Design
Re: Starry Night
Off topic:
Ok, I figured out a way to create automatically create a link to the DeviantArt page - this should get around people having to have Flash and also allow you to open the link in a new window.Re: Starry Night
Inspired by bwansy's tutorial, I've made an Inkscape extension to generate star fields. I've been meaning to try my hand at writing an extension for some time, and this seemed like a fairly easy one to start with.
You can get the extension here: Inkscape star field extension.
You can get the extension here: Inkscape star field extension.
Re: Starry Night
You should provide some examples of what it produces.
Oh, and feel free to promote your extension in it's own forum topic.
Oh, and feel free to promote your extension in it's own forum topic.
Re: Starry Night
microUgly wrote:You should provide some examples of what it produces.
Right, I'll add an image or two when I update it.
Oh, and feel free to promote your extension in it's own forum topic.
OK. (But which forum do you suggest for this? Inkscape Resources?)
I've discovered that my extension doesn't work in recent development versions of Inkscape, because inkex.py has switched from using PyXML to lxml. So it will be a while before I'm ready to announce anything, as I need to adapt it to work with lxml (which I know nothing about).
Re: Starry Night
sas wrote:OK. (But which forum do you suggest for this? Inkscape Resources?)
Ummm... that's a good question I think "Inkscape Resources" probably is the best place.