Hey I'm new to Inkscape and the Inkscape forums, I'm having a problem with the extensions tool for Inkscape.
I come from a game called Xmoto, and I'm trying to make level with Inkscape. I installed these programs:
Inkscape 48.2
Python 2.6
PyGTK 2.24.0
Eggbot 2.3.1( I'm on Mac OS X Lion).
Inksmoto 0.7.0( The extension tool for making levels for Xmoto on Inkscape.)
But I keep encountering this error:
Gtk Warning Locale not supported by C library.
I think it has to do something with the language files in the locales folder or something being messed up or missing.
Does anybody now how to fix this problem?
It does this on Inkscape 48.2 and 0.47.
Local not supported by C library error Inkscape 48.2 MAC
Re: Local not supported by C library error Inkscape 48.2 MAC
Welcome to InkscapeForum!
What do you mean by "extensions tool"? Do you mean Inksmoto? Or Eggbot? Do you know which program, extension or command is throwing out the error message?
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Re: Local not supported by C library error Inkscape 48.2 MAC
I mean the Extensions on Inkscape.
Extensions doesnt work on OSX Lion.
So Eggbot seems to fix the problem
Extensions doesnt work on OSX Lion.
So Eggbot seems to fix the problem
Re: Local not supported by C library error Inkscape 48.2 MAC
The Inksmoto tool, is throwing out this message:
(process:5144): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
(process:5144): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.