Hello! Do you remember my qp-scissors? Now the name changed to "saxen", so I had to make x-scissors. I made a scissor of the letter x as you see. But I couldn't clip a hole for the finger. When I use object clip, the scissor vanish and only the circle is left, regardlessly to the z-index.
By ivanb at 2007-11-14
I should like to clip out the black circles.
[solved] Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Re: Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Hi Ivan,
Try selecting both the scissors and the black finger hole and then Path>Difference?
Try selecting both the scissors and the black finger hole and then Path>Difference?
Re: Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Thank you heathenx! It worked, it made the difference! I do your chrome-tutorial again. That doesn't work so well on meagre font, but I like Gradl so much that I don't want to use anything else just for this. I try to apply your tutorial.
Some differences:
Dinamic offset has no effect on it. The blur at the finnish makes that it is difficult to see the word, so I jump over.
Have you any advice, a "needle-chrome"-effect, more suitable to lean fonts? I should like to make it shiny and sharp, the color doesn't matter.
Some differences:
Dinamic offset has no effect on it. The blur at the finnish makes that it is difficult to see the word, so I jump over.
Have you any advice, a "needle-chrome"-effect, more suitable to lean fonts? I should like to make it shiny and sharp, the color doesn't matter.
Re: Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Ivan wrote:the scissor vanish and only the circle is left, regardlessly to the z-index.
If you're just curious about what the problem was, it's the old clip-misunderstanding. When you set a clipping region, you use the top object (the circle) to define the limit of what you see of the bottom object (the scissors). It looked like only the circle was left, because the circle was defining the region of what would be visible.
Basically, clip does not mean "clip the area of the top object out of the bottom object." It means "clip the bottom object to just the area of the top object."
Re: Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Thank you, now I understand, The Path Difference does exactly what I beleived was Object Clip. I was looking after an Eraser-tool too, similar we have in Paint. I was very surprised that there is not any. Is it the Path difference instead of eraser too? Nobody miss the rubber?
Re: Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Ivan wrote:I was looking after an Eraser-tool too, similar we have in Paint. I was very surprised that there is not any. Is it the Path difference instead of eraser too? Nobody miss the rubber?
It has been requested before, at least in this forum. It prompted me to write my holes guide.
Re: Choosing object to clip or be clipped
Thank you. Your tutorial is very good and Inkscape is great. Everything is possible in Inkscape. But if I would be forced to say something is missing in Inkspace, it would be the rubber.