how to move mutiple items on the same layer

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how to move mutiple items on the same layer

Postby InkCat » Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:45 am

what is the method of selecting an item on a layer with other items, and those items might be very close to, or even on top of one another?

thank you!


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Re: how to move mutiple items on the same layer

Postby brynn » Fri Dec 17, 2010 11:14 am

Oh, there are probably several ways to do it, and hopefully several people will reply. It only matters what works best for you, which one(s) you use.

In general, you would use Alt+ clilck, right on top of the object, no matter how many things are overlapping (or underlapping :mrgreen: ). And holding the Alt key, continue to click until you reach the object you want.

Sometimes I'll use the Node tool to select very small things, if I'm too lazy to zoom, just because the little node tool pointer is smaller and easier to point precisely. And then of course switch back to the Selection tool. Sometimes I just zoom right on in there, maybe way, way in, although that can create slowdowns, if it's a large and/or comlex image.

And sometimes I might use a combination of those. ...and I'm talking about objects above. There are other tricks for nodes, but it sounds like you are asking about objects.

If I need to select multiple items from among more multiple items, I might use the drag (or rubberband) selection, or maybe Select All, depending what's happening in the image. Then holding down Shift, click the ones I DON'T want. This leaves selected only the ones I want. (Often this requires zooming as well.)

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