Where in the source code are hard-coded keyboard shortcuts?

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Where in the source code are hard-coded keyboard shortcuts?

Postby Inkscape » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:44 am

To speed up my workflow, I'm trying to assign the most often used dialogs/actions to one-button keyboard shortcuts, but I'm stuck with "d" and "g" keys which can't be redefined by editing shortcuts.xml file. Whatever I set in this file, "d" is alway shortcut for "Pick color" tool, and "g" is for "Gradient" tool.

Could anybody point me where should I look for those shortcuts in Inkscape source code? It looks like I have to remove two lines of code to fix my problem, but Inkscape codebase is huge and I have no idea where to look, shortcuts.cpp seems to contain functions for processing shortcuts, but I can't find keybindings itself.

Posts: 14
Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:33 am

Re: Where in the source code are hard-coded keyboard shortcuts?

Postby jbjones » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:56 am

Good question. There shouldnt be any hard coded ones is the answer, but obviously we have a bug...


Re: Where in the source code are hard-coded keyboard shortcuts?

Postby Inkscaper_ » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:02 pm

Update: I've just noticed that "g" can be redefined, but it is definitely impossible to change "d" keybinding using default.xml file, so I filled a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/269531

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