brynn wrote:I'm not sure I can say why, but ifYouKnewMe somehow speaks to me. The blue and black create a kind of melancholy mood (for me). But the lightness in the distance seems to offer hope, with the finger-like projections reaching or pointing towards it.
drk-vnvc, do you use
Alchemy, or know about it? I think you migh enjoy it, if you don't already know about it.
alchemy sure look promising and useful for my approach to drawing, i will give it a serious try. thanks (:
btw ive noticed how food preparing and drawing have a lot in common (: relic is drawn almost without emotions like a quick meal from microwave oven, it have some nutrition but it certainly doesnt give enough flavor. on the other side ifYouKnewMe is cooked with love and intention to satisfy. this is not based solely on your comment, others noticed that too (: