Trouble with PDF to Inkscape

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Trouble with PDF to Inkscape

Postby MelonFarmer » Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:45 am

First off i know nothing about graphic design, so i have no clue what i am doing. I run a website for my local ultimate organization so i got into this stuff not knowing anything. I am trying to fix my banner for my page. My logo's are in eps so i converted them to pdf. One of my logo's shows up and works perfectly. The other looks perfect as a pdf, but when i insert it onto the other logo in inkscape, the text at the bottom run into each other. Only a few letters touch and not the others. Like i said before, i know nothing of what i am doing. I am just looking for advice.
Screwed Up2.png
Here is the PDF, The text looks fine
Screwed Up2.png (170.62 KiB) Viewed 1779 times
Screwed Up.png
In the image it shows up like this.
Screwed Up.png (205.17 KiB) Viewed 1779 times

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Re: Trouble with PDF to Inkscape

Postby Lazur » Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:30 pm

The only thing I can tell by that look is that they are written with different fonts.
My guess would be you either don't have the font used in the pdf installed on your machine, or inkscape doesn't recognise it.

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Re: Trouble with PDF to Inkscape

Postby vwanweb » Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:33 pm

This may help, you should convert the original .eps files to .svg instead of .pdf files. When it comes to file types and interoperability with Inkscape, Inkscape has some glitches in it. These glitches are greatly reduced when you simply convert the original graphic to .svg

Here are a couple of conversion sites, there are more sites available (google online file conversion) so this should approach should fix your issue.


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