How do you set up your plotter in InkCut??? please help

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How do you set up your plotter in InkCut??? please help

Postby red-diesel » Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:48 am


I am trying to make the leap from compatableWindows to Ubuntu. I have now managed to install Ubuntu and Inkscape with the InkCut extension. I now want to work out how to set up my plotter to my system? Could any body please help or advice ???

Screenshot from 2017-08-23 20-28-09.png
Screenshot from 2017-08-23 20-28-09.png (44.6 KiB) Viewed 3565 times

need to know what to do in the setting see screen shot and do i need to do anything in my ubuntu printer setting???

I have check that my plotter is compatible with Inkcut and it is according to there web site.

My plotter is a PixMax 720 serial plotter/cutter.

thanks in advance for any help


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