removing Guides

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removing Guides

Postby brynn » Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:23 pm

Hi Friends,
This is really a rather minor trick/tip, but I just stumbled upon it and thought I'd share. I think I 1st learned about Guides in another program, The GIMP I think. So when I started working in Inkscape, I tried dragging from a ruler, and it worked. And to remove it of coarse, just drag it back to the ruler. I think that's a fairly accurate paraphasing of the process.

In the Tavmjong Bah Guide, the instruction for removing guides is
They can be removed by dragging them to a Ruler or clicking on them with the Ctrl key held down.

The only other info I found is in the Kevin Wixson User Manual project, which says
To delete a guide, just drag it to the appropriate ruler with the Selector tool.

So what I just now discovered, is that it doesn't matter which ruler you drag a guide to, to remove it. I can be rather mouse challenged at times, and it's always taken some concentration to drag a guide from the right side of the window, all the way to the left ruler, and perhaps less to drag one from the bottom to the top ruler, especially using a touchpad mouse. But now I find I can remove a vertical guide which is positioned near the right side of the window, by "grabbing" it just below the top ruler,and dragging a half inch up to the top ruler. (Or a horizontal guide near the bottom of the window, by grabbing it next to the left ruler, and dragging a half inch to the left ruler.)

It does "flash" once, when removing in this way, before disappearing, which leads me to think it might not be intended, that a vertical guide can be removed by dragging it to the top ruler (and a horizontal guide can be removed by dragging it to the left ruler). But guides CAN be removed in this way. This is in 0.46, the last stable version, under Windows XP.

All that said, removing a guide by Ctrl + click is probably going to be my new preferred method. I did not know about this either, until I read it in the Tavmjong Bah Guide, while researching the topic before deciding to post this! :lol:

Anyway, just minor tip!
All best :D

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Re: removing Guides

Postby prokoudine » Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:19 pm

brynn wrote: I did not know about this either

I recommend reading release notes :-) — news and tutorials on free design software

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