help needed for Mac release? contact?

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help needed for Mac release? contact?

Postby brynn » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:09 am

Hi Friends,
Persuant to this long, complicated, and confusing discussion, I understand that is ready to be released, and has actually been released for Linux and Windows, sometime around June or July. I also understand that the announcement on the release of is being delayed because the people who take the Inkscape code, and make it installable on Macs, have been slow to finish the work.

I don't mean to seem insensitive or ungrateful. I don't even use a Mac. But they do know that a lot of us have been wanting and waiting for this release, don't they? I'm just wondering if there is any particular kind of help needed to get this released?

Does anyone know who these mysterious people are? Whoever they are, I'd like to make sure they know that people are waiting for this release. And also I'd like to ask them if they need any particular kind of help. Could we contact them, and find out what's causing the holdup? Perhaps within the Inkscape community are people who have the skills they need, to solve whatever problem they're having, who would be glad to help them?

Does anyone know who they are or how to contact them?

Thanks :D

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Re: help needed for Mac release? contact?

Postby Inkspots » Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:17 am

Hi Brynn,
I know this isnt a totally new topic, so forgive me for replying so late.
I checked the contact list at : ... nformation
but there isnt anyone listed for Mac Os-x on that page. You could try asking on the developers mailing list.

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Re: help needed for Mac release? contact?

Postby brynn » Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:33 am

Well, I don't personally need to know. But I felt bad for Mac users. And it was so frustrating for it to go on for so long, with no notification or explanation. At least now I can explain about MacPorts (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=13283)!

(But to be honest, even now, having the knowledge that something has to happen to the source code, to get it ready to be installed on Windows and Mac, it seems odd to me that suddenly no one is available to get it ready for Macs. It leads me to believe that whatever this "packaging" actually is, it must be either a rare talent, or very expensive, or both. But if it is one or both, (and especially is it's expensive) it seems like there must be people (or organizations?) out there, waiting in the wings (as they say) who could take over, if this rare person is unavailable. That's the part that doesn't make sense to me.)

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