Portable version not reading prefs file correctly?

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Portable version not reading prefs file correctly?

Postby dodgyb2001 » Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:07 pm

Hi all,

I'm running .47pre4 portable version, but it doesn't seem to either save or read its prefs correctly. When I load it it says 'preferences.xml is not a valid xml file'

Anyone else experience this?

It also lists my tablet (a genius tablet) with oriental characters and starts it 'disabled' so I have to enable it before it'll draw. Sounds like another bug I read on this forum, so I assume it's nothing to do with running the portable version.


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Location: Sydney Australia

Re: Portable version not reading prefs file correctly?

Postby dodgyb2001 » Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:27 am

No-one using this version?

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Location: Sydney Australia

Re: Portable version not reading prefs file correctly?

Postby dodgyb2001 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 1:39 pm

I've narrowed it down to my Input devices panel. My panel displays two devices, both of which are displayed with chinese characters. If I press 'Save' the prefs become corrupt, if I just choose my tablet (since it's disabled by default for some reason) and carry on, the next load works. Maybe an non-ansi character issue?

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Re: Portable version not reading prefs file correctly?

Postby ~suv » Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:58 pm

I don't use a tablet myself - only help I can offer is the list of currently open bugs in Inkscape about tablet support and input devices: Bugs with tag 'tablet', sorted by newest first (caveat: list includes duplicates).

related to your issue seem at first glance:
Bug #306322 Input device non-ascii name get's garbled in preferences file
Bug #403678 Invalid characters in input device dialog
Bug #474821 Error Inkscape Saving Settings

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