Filter Editor Connections box

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Filter Editor Connections box

Postby redbeltboxer » Sat May 14, 2011 10:41 pm

The filter editors' connections box is so small i am struggling to use it when I want to connect effects together.
The box ix currently 2 line high

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Re: Filter Editor Connections box

Postby tomh » Sun May 15, 2011 1:09 am

You should be able to select the bottom of the diologue box (the line below effect parameters) and drag it to make it bigger.

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Re: Filter Editor Connections box

Postby redbeltboxer » Sun May 15, 2011 2:45 am

Your option isnt working. The workaround is to add the colour editor is the same space. So that color editor is above effects editor and then remove color editor. Thanks for reply/

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Re: Filter Editor Connections box

Postby brynn » Sun May 15, 2011 7:18 am

Yes, I don't know if this is a bug, but with many dialogs that are opened in the docked position (which is most), before any other dialogs have been opened, they open too small to really be of much use (with a tiny scrollbar). And you can't drag them larger. If you open any other dialog (docked) first, then open the one you want, then you can drag it larger. For example, open the Layers dialog in a fresh new instance, before you open any other dialogs -- it's tiny, and it's impossible to drag it larger. Be sure an test with an image with several layers. If you've already had any other dialog opened (docked), then the layers dialog opens and fills the entire length of the window.

Fortunately, you can undock....I think you can undock all the dialogs, but I'm not positive. Anyway, I always use the Filters Editor in the undocked position. After undocking, you could even maximize the window, giving plenty of room. However, then I find that I can't see what I'm doing on the canvas. Anyway, to undock, grab the gray bar with the mouse and drag. You kind of have to drag pretty far, but after it's undocked, you can put it anywhere you want.

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Re: Filter Editor Connections box

Postby redbeltboxer » Sun May 15, 2011 1:46 pm

Thanks for the reply I will try this. It is quite frustrating.

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