Is there a way to hide/remove/disable certain tool icons in the toolbox on the left? I am trying to make a very simplified version of Inkscape (0.92) which removes some, or preferably all, of the following tool icons (on behalf of some users who get confused easily, and do not want to have to use the dropdown tool list to get to the tool they need frequently): nodes,tweak, spray, measure, rect, 3dbox, arc, star, spiral, lpetool, paintbucket, connector, gradient, mesh, dropper. I would like the pallete to just contain these: selection, text, pencil, pen, calligraphy.
Short of removing / hiding them, is there a way to rearrange the order of the tool icons in the toolbox?
I saw the following in toolbox.cpp which gives me hope that they can be removed at compile time: "tools that have been disabled by compile time options":
Code: Select all
if ( va && ! skip_this) {
if ( i == 0 ) {
} else {
// This creates a blank action using the data_name, [b]this can replace
// tools that have been disabled by compile time options[/b].
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act = Gtk::Action::create(Glib::ustring(tools[i].data_name));
Thank you!