[solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu

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[solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu

Postby alalminore » Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:50 am

Hi everyone,

I'm having an issue with setting up inkscape (v0.91) for my intuos5 tablet (Ubuntu 14.04). Pressure sensitivity works somehow, however when I'm trying to draw some lines, they are 'interacting' with each other on the crossing and look like ink drops (I have attached an image to give you some idea how it looks like). It happens only when I try to draw separate lines, when there is a single line everything looks just fine :cry:

I was trying to check the forum first, but couldn't find any posts about it...

Oh, and I had the same issue with inkscape v0.48 and v0.47. So basically, it newer worked with inkscape, however works great with GIMP and MyPaint...

And... I'm new here, so please don't be too harsh :)


PS. English is not my 1st language, so sorry for any mistakes :)
how it looks like
inkscape-intuos5-issue-v2.png (239.91 KiB) Viewed 3661 times

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Re: intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu 14.04

Postby ~suv » Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:46 am

alalminore wrote:(…) , however when I'm trying to draw some lines, they are 'interacting' with each other on the crossing and look like ink drops (I have attached an image to give you some idea how it looks like). It happens only when I try to draw separate lines, when there is a single line everything looks just fine

Turn off the Trace background mode - the toggle button with this icon: Image on the controls bar of the calligraphy tool.

For more details about the individual options of the calligraphy tool, I refer to the related section in the manual (The Calligraphy Tool).

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Re: intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu 14.04

Postby alalminore » Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:48 am

Thank you. It solved the crossing lines problem, however I lost pressure sensitivity...

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Re: intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu 14.04

Postby ~suv » Mon Jun 22, 2015 4:02 am

alalminore wrote:Thank you. It solved the crossing lines problem, however I lost pressure sensitivity...

You likely never had pressure sensitivity then (trace mode does not affect pressure sensitivity). On more recent Ubuntu/Unity desktops, you have to disable Ubuntu's custom Gtk+ scrollbar overlay in Inkscape to have pressure sensitivity:See also this article: How to fix pressure sensitivity in Inkscape on Ubuntu 12.04 - it was written for an older Ubuntu release, but the basic instructions likely still apply to later releases too.

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Re: intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu 14.04

Postby alalminore » Mon Jun 22, 2015 5:10 am

Oh. My. God. :D

Thank you so much! It works :)

I used the first (not permanent) solution (for safety to not to break anything else). Since I have the newest stable version, I'm not planning to update inkscape before v1.0 :)

Thank you again! :)

PS. How can I now mark the issue as solved?

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Re: intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu 14.04

Postby Lazur » Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:15 am

There is only a manual workaround -editing the first posts's title.

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Re: intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu 14.04

Postby alalminore » Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:27 pm

Lazur URH wrote:There is only a manual workaround -editing the first posts's title.

Thank you! :D

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Re: [solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubu

Postby pamfeuer » Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:13 pm

Dont mean to butt in here ...but...
I dont think one can actually use a wacom with inkscape unless you enjoy it.
If you can really draw with a wacom, Id love to know.
Thanks and sorry.

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Re: [solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubu

Postby alalminore » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:03 am

pamfeuer wrote:Dont mean to butt in here ...but...
I dont think one can actually use a wacom with inkscape unless you enjoy it.
If you can really draw with a wacom, Id love to know.
Thanks and sorry.

Sorry for the late answer but...

Yes, it's possible. I use it for lineart and then launch other software to finish the drawing. To clear up any doubts check this drawing: http://kesbet.deviantart.com/art/I-had-a-Dream-590534684.

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Re: [solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubu

Postby brynn » Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:52 pm

alalminore wrote:Yes, it's possible. I use it for lineart and then launch other software to finish the drawing. To clear up any doubts check this drawing: http://kesbet.deviantart.com/art/I-had-a-Dream-590534684.

Wow! That's amazing work. Love it!

How long does it take to make 1 of those drawings?

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Re: [solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu

Postby alalminore » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:57 pm

Thanks! The I had a Dream is the newest (after ~4 years break) and took around 40 hours. The rest is old when I didn't track the time, but I would estimate each to ~80 hours of work but add couple of weeks/months only for thinking what and where :) Right now I'm trying to speed up thus switching into digital. They are way too detailed for a desktop wallpaper but they are good for a wall. If you are really interested I can send you one for printing :) Just let me know ([email protected]) :)

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Re: [solved] intuos5 issue - inkscape 0.91 (and earlier) Ubuntu

Postby brynn » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:35 am

Well, this might seem a little juvenile, if you're not familiar with it. But in the US, there's sort of a fad for adults, usually women, to gather in social groups and.....color. Like with crayons, in coloring books, like when you were a child. Although I think they typically use either markers or colored pencils. I just saw an "info-mercial" selling adult coloring books, on tv! The adult designs are not the pron kind, but usually abstract, geometric, or nature designs. Not cartoon characters like in children's coloring books.

Anyway, it strikes me that at least some of your drawings would be perfect for that. I had an idea to put together some of these coloring books using drawings made with Inkscape, and donate the profits to the Inkscape project. I've started making a collection of drawings, and intend to look up some web groups on this subject (just google "adult coloring books" to see examples), and figure out where they get them. Mostly I think they buy real paperback booklets, but I think there's some available for download. So at the very least, I could offer them for download from my site (http://forum.inkscapecommunity.com/index.php)

Your drawings are so good, I imagine they would sell right away! Who knows, maybe you could be a coloring book cult guru, lol. Just joking. But seriously, you could look into publishing a booklet, because your drawings are so good.

My drawings are pretty weak. I'm not reallly a sketch artist (I don't use a tablet). But Inkscape is great for abstract/geometric designs. So I thought, what the heck -- I really enjoy making abstract geometric designs, pattern borders, and such.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. Thanks for the offer for a print. I love the drawings, but don't have any thoughts for printing one. (I couldn't put on a wall because I live in apartment. Plus it's very small apartment and the wall space is mostly full by now.) (I'm about to turn 60, yikes!) OH! I'm a member of DA, although I've never uploaded anything. But you could be my first "fav" or "like" or "watcher" , or whatever they call it. Now where did I put that password..... :D

Back to Inkscape for a moment. You must know all the tricks for avoiding performance issues. I imagine those drawings are fairly node-heavy? Or maybe you convert to PNG, as you work along? (Edit menu > Make a Bitmap Copy)?

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