Have no idea if it's supposed to be this way. I tried Inkscape 0.48+devel r13270 on Windows 7, and it now opens a command line window before the main program window appear.
The contents of the command line window is - listed here:
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "8514fix 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "8514oem 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Bodoni MT 10", fallin
g back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Bookshelf Symbol 7 10
", falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Brush Script MT 10",
falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Fixedsys 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Harlow Solid Italic,
10", falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Marlett 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Monotype Corsiva 10",
falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "MS Outlook 10", falli
ng back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "MS Reference Specialt
y 10", falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "MS Sans Serif 10", fa
lling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "MS Serif 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Small Fonts 10", fall
ing back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Symbol 10", falling b
ack to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "System 10", falling b
ack to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Terminal 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Terminal Greek 737 (4
37G) 10", falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Terminal Greek 869 10
", falling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Vivaldi 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Webdings 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Wingdings 10", fallin
g back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Wingdings 2 10", fall
ing back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "Wingdings 3 10", fall
ing back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "????? 10", falling ba
ck to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "???? 10", falling bac
k to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "????-ExtB 10", fallin
g back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "??? 10", falling back
to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "??? 10", falling back
to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "???-ExtB 10", falling
back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "???_HKSCS 10", fallin
g back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
(inkscape.exe:5216): Pango-WARNING **: couldn't load font "???_HKSCS-ExtB 10", f
alling back to "Sans 10", expect ugly output.
Running the DIR command in woindows font directory gives:
Volumet i stasjon C er uten navn.
Volumserienummeret er 2CF5-6B21
Innhold i C:\Windows\Fonts
10.06.2009 23:25 10 976 8514fix.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 10 976 8514fixe.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 11 520 8514fixg.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 10 976 8514fixr.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 11 488 8514fixt.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 288 8514oem.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 13 248 8514oeme.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 800 8514oemg.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 13 200 8514oemr.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 720 8514oemt.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 9 280 8514sys.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 9 504 8514syse.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 9 856 8514sysg.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 10 064 8514sysr.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 9 792 8514syst.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 304 85775.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 256 85855.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 12 336 85f1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 384 85f1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 10 976 85f1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 12 288 85f874.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 10 224 85s1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 10 608 85s1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 9 472 85s1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 10 240 85s874.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 50 468 ahronbd.ttf
29.10.1999 13:42 75 272 ALGER.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 158 956 andlso.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 109 808 angsa.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 106 220 angsab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 103 444 angsai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 109 784 angsau.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 106 236 angsaub.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 103 408 angsaui.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 105 592 angsauz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 105 636 angsaz.ttf
12.11.1998 09:18 151 000 ANTQUAB.TTF
12.11.1998 09:18 150 416 ANTQUABI.TTF
12.11.1998 09:18 149 092 ANTQUAI.TTF
14.06.2011 07:42 222 356 aparaj.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 215 860 aparajb.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 228 456 aparajbi.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 239 596 aparaji.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 35 808 app775.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 36 672 app850.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 36 656 app852.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 37 296 app855.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 36 672 app857.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 37 472 app866.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 80 896 app932.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 70 000 app936.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 80 896 app949.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 70 000 app950.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 623 628 arabtype.ttf
11.05.2011 00:33 778 552 arial.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 749 004 arialbd.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 561 924 arialbi.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 555 884 ariali.ttf
14.07.2006 12:01 173 936 ARIALN.TTF
14.07.2006 12:01 178 864 ARIALNB.TTF
14.07.2006 12:01 178 316 ARIALNBI.TTF
14.07.2006 12:01 179 368 ARIALNI.TTF
18.11.2002 18:44 23 275 812 ARIALUNI.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 119 876 ariblk.ttf
18.08.1999 13:13 54 976 BASKVILL.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 16 264 732 batang.ttc
18.08.1999 13:13 46 176 BAUHS93.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 84 840 BELL.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 82 580 BELLB.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 82 192 BELLI.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 70 656 BERNHC.TTF
12.11.1998 09:18 155 528 BKANT.TTF
27.11.2002 15:42 91 592 BOD_PSTC.TTF
04.11.1998 18:30 160 940 BOOKOS.TTF
04.11.1998 18:30 154 576 BOOKOSB.TTF
04.11.1998 18:30 162 460 BOOKOSBI.TTF
18.08.1999 14:53 161 020 BOOKOSI.TTF
15.10.1999 10:55 105 296 BRADHITC.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 40 728 BRITANIC.TTF
14.07.1998 14:41 96 880 BRLNSB.TTF
14.07.1998 14:41 96 852 BRLNSDB.TTF
14.07.1998 14:41 97 284 BRLNSR.TTF
03.05.2002 17:04 60 372 BROADW.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 89 656 browa.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 75 424 browab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 100 224 browai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 89 616 browau.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 75 416 browaub.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 100 216 browaui.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 89 376 browauz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 89 380 browaz.ttf
18.08.1999 13:13 53 456 BRUSHSCI.TTF
12.12.2003 13:42 54 412 BSSYM7.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 10 992 c8514fix.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 13 552 c8514oem.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 17 760 c8514sys.fon
16.11.2012 16:20 811 412 calibri.ttf
16.11.2012 16:20 848 924 calibrib.ttf
16.11.2012 16:20 912 248 calibrii.ttf
16.11.2012 16:20 758 196 calibril.ttf
16.11.2012 16:20 868 464 calibrili.ttf
16.11.2012 16:20 954 052 calibriz.ttf
14.07.1998 14:42 80 620 CALIFB.TTF
14.07.1998 14:42 98 748 CALIFI.TTF
14.07.1998 14:42 105 300 CALIFR.TTF
17.12.2009 09:37 1 622 732 CAMBRIA.TTC
17.12.2009 09:37 792 488 CAMBRIAB.TTF
17.12.2009 09:37 827 080 CAMBRIAI.TTF
17.12.2009 09:37 805 864 CAMBRIAZ.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 218 504 Candara.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 226 564 Candarab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 226 604 Candarai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 228 304 Candaraz.ttf
15.10.1999 10:55 82 760 CENTAUR.TTF
12.11.2002 11:26 165 248 CENTURY.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 7 216 cga40737.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 6 352 cga40850.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 6 672 cga40852.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 6 672 cga40857.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 7 232 cga40866.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 7 216 cga40869.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 6 336 cga40woa.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 5 168 cga80737.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 4 320 cga80850.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 5 200 cga80852.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 4 640 cga80857.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 5 168 cga80866.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 5 168 cga80869.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 4 304 cga80woa.fon
15.10.1999 10:55 96 452 CHILLER.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 54 952 COLONNA.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 132 832 comic.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 117 456 comicbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 358 256 consola.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 368 520 consolab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 364 864 consolai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 375 056 consolaz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 448 768 constan.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 450 848 constanb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 447 772 constani.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 454 588 constanz.ttf
18.08.1999 13:13 80 388 COOPBL.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 260 648 corbel.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 274 388 corbelb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 269 048 corbeli.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 279 400 corbelz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 108 572 cordia.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 95 892 cordiab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 100 104 cordiai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 108 544 cordiau.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 95 888 cordiaub.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 100 100 cordiaui.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 94 812 cordiauz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 94 816 cordiaz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 26 432 coue1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 26 544 coue1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 23 440 coue1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 35 888 couf1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 36 032 couf1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 31 760 couf1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 709 600 cour.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 710 192 courbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 530 336 courbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 23 408 coure.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 23 440 couree.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 25 024 coureg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 23 440 courer.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 25 024 couret.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 31 712 courf.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 31 776 courfe.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 33 344 courfg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 31 808 courfr.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 33 360 courft.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 618 240 couri.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 5 600 cvgafix.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 896 cvgasys.fon
14.06.2011 07:42 190 700 daunpenh.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 56 528 david.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 55 576 davidbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:31 65 desktop.ini
14.06.2011 07:42 149 624 dokchamp.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 36 336 dos737.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 36 816 dos869.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 36 656 dosapp.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 304 428 ebrima.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 298 952 ebrimabd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 9 248 ega40737.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 8 384 ega40850.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 8 368 ega40852.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 8 704 ega40857.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 9 232 ega40866.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 9 248 ega40869.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 8 368 ega40woa.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 192 ega80737.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 328 ega80850.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 344 ega80852.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 648 ega80857.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 280 ega80866.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 192 ega80869.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 312 ega80woa.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 110 436 estre.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 172 656 euphemia.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 139 332 framd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 152 104 framdit.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 63 732 frank.ttf
15.10.1999 10:55 69 876 FREESCPT.TTF
23.04.1999 17:22 58 580 FRSCRIPT.TTF
18.08.1999 13:13 83 580 FTLTLT.TTF
14.06.2011 07:42 1 804 512 Gabriola.ttf
02.04.2004 13:06 198 072 GARA.TTF
02.04.2004 13:05 199 772 GARABD.TTF
02.04.2004 13:05 189 464 GARAIT.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 256 384 gautami.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 221 268 gautamib.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 157 080 georgia.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 145 940 georgiab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 162 380 georgiai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 164 332 georgiaz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 72 932 gisha.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 74 056 gishabd.ttf
14.07.2009 06:52 26 040 GlobalMonospace.CompositeFont
14.07.2009 06:52 26 489 GlobalSansSerif.CompositeFont
14.07.2009 06:52 29 779 GlobalSerif.CompositeFont
14.07.2009 06:52 43 318 GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont
12.11.1998 17:39 137 568 GOTHIC.TTF
12.11.1998 17:39 129 676 GOTHICB.TTF
12.11.1998 17:39 139 084 GOTHICBI.TTF
12.11.1998 17:39 148 520 GOTHICI.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 13 524 972 gulim.ttc
10.06.2009 23:26 11 056 h8514fix.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 12 400 h8514oem.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 10 032 h8514sys.fon
15.10.1999 10:55 55 060 HARLOWSI.TTF
18.08.1999 13:14 70 440 HARNGTON.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 610 104 himalaya.ttf
14.07.1998 14:42 92 736 HTOWERT.TTF
14.07.1998 14:42 74 712 HTOWERTI.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 5 680 hvgafix.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 512 hvgasys.fon
14.06.2011 07:42 135 848 impact.ttf
15.10.1999 10:55 74 968 INFROMAN.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 548 036 iskpota.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 368 924 iskpotab.ttf
15.10.1999 10:55 59 712 ITCKRIST.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 12 896 j8514fix.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 14 432 j8514oem.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 10 656 j8514sys.fon
15.10.1999 10:56 69 752 JOKERMAN.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 41 584 jsmalle.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 38 480 jsmallf.fon
15.10.1999 10:56 62 884 JUICE___.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 6 528 jvgafix.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 7 728 jvgasys.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 5 178 844 kaiu.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 212 356 kalinga.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 205 636 kalingab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 131 264 kartika.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 126 460 kartikab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 330 464 KhmerUI.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 263 864 KhmerUIb.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 201 680 kokila.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 202 196 kokilab.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 235 940 kokilabi.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 241 672 kokilai.ttf
15.10.1999 10:56 63 392 KUNSTLER.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 97 516 LaoUI.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 88 700 LaoUIb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 120 848 latha.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 119 848 lathab.ttf
18.08.1999 13:14 44 824 LATINWD.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 70 748 LBRITE.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 66 724 LBRITED.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 71 456 LBRITEDI.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 71 000 LBRITEI.TTF
27.10.1999 16:34 55 464 LCALLIG.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 97 752 leelawad.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 97 420 leelawdb.ttf
27.10.1999 11:26 61 912 LFAX.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 62 100 LFAXD.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 71 472 LFAXDI.TTF
27.10.1999 11:26 67 420 LFAXI.TTF
27.10.1999 16:34 62 484 LHANDW.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 115 016 lucon.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 56 856 lvnm.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 54 804 lvnmbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 325 400 l_10646.ttf
14.07.1998 14:42 65 284 MAGNETOB.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 370 084 majalla.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 373 816 majallab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 4 337 296 malgun.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 4 515 044 malgunbd.ttf
05.11.2010 03:59 206 260 mangal.ttf
05.11.2010 03:59 191 892 mangalb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 26 672 marlett.ttf
18.08.1999 13:14 51 296 MATURASC.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 9 533 888 meiryo.ttc
10.06.2009 23:26 9 749 256 meiryob.ttc
10.06.2009 23:26 652 664 micross.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 32 217 124 mingliu.ttc
10.06.2009 23:25 33 805 700 mingliub.ttc
18.08.1999 13:14 191 716 MISTRAL.TTF
18.08.1999 13:14 62 612 MOD20.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 8 704 modern.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 356 576 monbaiti.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 342 840 moolbor.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 51 996 mriam.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 56 996 mriamc.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 9 176 636 msgothic.ttc
10.06.2009 23:25 21 663 376 msjh.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 14 512 072 msjhbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 10 057 108 msmincho.ttc
10.06.2009 23:25 235 516 msuighur.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 21 767 952 msyh.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 14 602 860 msyhbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 342 124 msyi.ttf
10.11.1998 15:52 157 360 MTCORSVA.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 84 940 mvboli.ttf
14.07.1998 14:42 95 904 NIAGENG.TTF
14.07.1998 14:42 74 012 NIAGSOL.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 56 832 nrkis.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 82 864 ntailu.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 75 552 ntailub.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 438 016 nyala.ttf
15.10.1999 10:56 93 068 OLDENGL.TTF
18.08.1999 13:14 81 044 ONYX.TTF
08.04.2003 14:41 17 672 OUTLOOK.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 472 664 pala.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 420 052 palab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 336 476 palabi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 413 824 palai.ttf
10.05.2002 16:19 163 476 PAPYRUS.TTF
15.10.1999 10:56 151 256 PARCHM.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 146 496 phagspa.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 150 228 phagspab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 118 824 plantc.ttf
18.08.1999 13:14 46 164 PLAYBILL.TTF
15.10.1999 10:56 76 588 POORICH.TTF
15.10.1999 10:56 82 680 PRISTINA.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 94 300 raavi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 93 800 raavib.ttf
14.07.1998 14:42 74 416 RAVIE.TTF
06.05.1999 12:59 220 172 REFSAN.TTF
03.09.1998 16:14 53 288 REFSPCL.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 61 060 rod.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 13 312 roman.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 11 056 s8514fix.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 384 s8514oem.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 17 760 s8514sys.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 12 288 script.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 172 732 segoepr.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 172 092 segoeprb.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 620 204 segoesc.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 603 336 segoescb.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 516 560 segoeui.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 497 372 segoeuib.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 385 560 segoeuii.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 330 908 segoeuil.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 398 148 segoeuiz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 406 192 seguisb.ttf
04.07.2012 17:13 842 104 seguisym.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 62 944 sere1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 65 392 sere1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 59 024 sere1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 89 456 serf1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 95 488 serf1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 84 080 serf1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 57 936 serife.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 59 952 serifee.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 60 752 serifeg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 63 296 serifer.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 61 024 serifet.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 81 728 seriff.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 85 360 seriffe.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 86 256 seriffg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 90 736 seriffr.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 84 848 serifft.fon
14.06.2011 07:42 340 100 Shonar.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 301 028 Shonarb.ttf
14.07.1998 14:42 52 316 SHOWG.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 270 172 shruti.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 235 340 shrutib.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 10 576 012 simfang.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 9 751 960 simhei.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 11 785 184 simkai.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 116 376 simpbdo.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 104 884 simpfxo.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 124 628 simpo.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 15 323 200 simsun.ttc
10.06.2009 23:25 15 406 288 simsunb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 25 216 smae1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 32 512 smae1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 24 672 smae1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 20 448 smaf1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 37 952 smaf1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 19 904 smaf1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 26 112 smalle.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 24 784 smallee.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 28 912 smalleg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 24 832 smaller.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 29 200 smallet.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 21 504 smallf.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 19 600 smallfe.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 23 120 smallfg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 19 760 smallfr.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 23 008 smallft.fon
15.10.1999 10:56 63 196 SNAP____.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 69 232 ssee1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 73 216 ssee1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 65 456 ssee1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 72 192 ssee874.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 95 840 ssef1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 67 328 ssef1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 90 336 ssef1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 102 400 ssef874.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 64 656 sserife.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 66 464 sserifee.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 65 328 sserifeg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 68 848 sserifer.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 64 400 sserifet.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 89 856 sseriff.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 92 032 sseriffe.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 90 288 sseriffg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 98 256 sseriffr.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 89 456 sserifft.fon
18.08.1999 13:14 55 596 STENCIL.TTF
10.06.2009 23:25 5 680 svgafix.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 12 896 svgasys.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 228 348 sylfaen.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 70 128 symbol.ttf
11.05.2011 00:33 700 180 tahoma.ttf
17.01.2011 01:34 648 008 tahomabd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 72 008 taile.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 63 364 taileb.ttf
15.10.1999 10:56 76 100 TEMPSITC.TTF
05.11.2010 04:00 834 240 times.ttf
05.11.2010 04:00 840 736 timesbd.ttf
05.11.2010 04:00 619 972 timesbi.ttf
05.11.2010 04:00 661 244 timesi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 172 976 tradbdo.ttf
10.06.2009 23:25 177 088 trado.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 136 172 trebuc.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 126 376 trebucbd.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 133 716 trebucbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 141 836 trebucit.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 188 908 tunga.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 174 896 tungab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 66 328 upcdb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 70 236 upcdbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 71 248 upcdi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 70 912 upcdl.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 75 300 upceb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 78 212 upcebi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 77 716 upcei.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 74 048 upcel.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 64 056 upcfb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 67 216 upcfbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 67 424 upcfi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 64 900 upcfl.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 71 080 upcib.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 73 612 upcibi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 73 632 upcii.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 71 068 upcil.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 74 428 upcjb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 77 692 upcjbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 76 456 upcji.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 73 568 upcjl.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 64 648 upckb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 68 872 upckbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 68 140 upcki.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 64 316 upckl.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 54 260 upclb.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 57 100 upclbi.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 56 752 upcli.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 54 264 upcll.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 216 004 utsaah.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 210 644 utsaahb.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 218 956 utsaahbi.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 239 152 utsaahi.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 386 996 Vani.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 370 576 Vanib.ttf
29.06.2011 15:35 191 344 verdana.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 155 384 verdanab.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 176 992 verdanai.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 175 444 verdanaz.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 5 168 vga737.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 168 vga775.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 232 vga850.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 160 vga852.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 120 vga855.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 552 vga857.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 184 vga860.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 184 vga861.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 200 vga863.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 184 vga865.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 128 vga866.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 184 vga869.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 7 232 vga932.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 6 272 vga936.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 304 vga949.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 272 vga950.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 952 vgaf1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 6 528 vgaf1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 376 vgaf1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 7 168 vgaf874.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 360 vgafix.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 376 vgafixe.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 112 vgafixg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 600 vgafixr.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 112 vgafixt.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 5 168 vgaoem.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 7 104 vgas1255.fon
10.06.2009 23:25 7 648 vgas1256.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 656 vgas1257.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 8 704 vgas874.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 7 280 vgasys.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 608 vgasyse.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 7 008 vgasysg.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 912 vgasysr.fon
10.06.2009 23:26 6 912 vgasyst.fon
14.06.2011 07:42 171 192 vijaya.ttf
14.06.2011 07:42 154 072 vijayab.ttf
15.10.1999 10:56 104 372 VINERITC.TTF
15.10.1999 10:56 64 748 VIVALDII.TTF
15.10.1999 10:56 54 308 VLADIMIR.TTF
10.06.2009 23:26 259 520 vrinda.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 257 672 vrindab.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 121 664 webdings.ttf
10.06.2009 23:26 83 740 wingding.ttf
22.01.2002 17:22 65 788 WINGDNG2.TTF
22.01.2002 17:22 35 328 WINGDNG3.TTF
530 fil(er) 379 073 707 byte
0 mappe(r) 137 276 153 856 byte ledig
How comes?
Windows - command line window with fonts listed
Re: Windows - command line window with fonts listed
Grobe, I'm just confirming that I see the same thing, too, under Win 8.1 using recent development builds. I generally use the regular stable release build (i.e. "Inkscape 0.48.4 r9939"), and this console window does not appear. And I have used past development builds beyond r9939, and neither did it appear in those. But I recently started using the development versions about a month ago, and noticed it then. I still see it using the very latest Windows development built (i.e. "Inkscape 0.48+devel r13280") that is available today. When this first started I can't say for sure because I do not closely track the development builds, but I'm guessing it has been in the last few months. It might be due to a debug or verbose logging option the developers have enabled as they try to work out kinks before v0.91. Anyway, it does not seem to affect anything--it's a cosmetic issue. I'm guessing this will be fixed (or the option disenabled) before the next official release.
Re: Windows - command line window with fonts listed
Hi. Your assumption is correct, this console window appeared within less than a month ago.
Big time wondering now is that if all the font problems listed was an issue before the console window was introduced?
Big time wondering now is that if all the font problems listed was an issue before the console window was introduced?
Re: Windows - command line window with fonts listed
You could possibly try to enable this debugging mode on previous versions. The following two links provide clues:
http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php ... tput_issue
With the old stable r9939, if I call "inkscape.com" instead of "inkscape.exe", I get a console window that spawns a regular Inkscape GUI session, and the console window stays open till the GUI instance is terminated. However, in the console window, I see no error messages whatsoever. Yet on the same system, the devel r13280 version does show all the error/warning messages in its console window.
Regarding the first link above, that talks about bit-flipping a setting in preferences.xml to redirect logging, well, that does not seem to work either (i.e. to enable console error/warning output for an older version like r9939.
The more that I think about it, I am thinking this might be some type of compile time option. Why? Because both my r9939 and devel r13280 point to the same preferences.xml file for their configuration. And r9939 does not have console output, but devel r13280 does. Even if I go the "inkscape.com" route with r9939, I do see the console, but no error messages whatsoever.
http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php ... tput_issue
With the old stable r9939, if I call "inkscape.com" instead of "inkscape.exe", I get a console window that spawns a regular Inkscape GUI session, and the console window stays open till the GUI instance is terminated. However, in the console window, I see no error messages whatsoever. Yet on the same system, the devel r13280 version does show all the error/warning messages in its console window.
Regarding the first link above, that talks about bit-flipping a setting in preferences.xml to redirect logging, well, that does not seem to work either (i.e. to enable console error/warning output for an older version like r9939.
The more that I think about it, I am thinking this might be some type of compile time option. Why? Because both my r9939 and devel r13280 point to the same preferences.xml file for their configuration. And r9939 does not have console output, but devel r13280 does. Even if I go the "inkscape.com" route with r9939, I do see the console, but no error messages whatsoever.
Re: Windows - command line window with fonts listed
This definitely seems to have been enabled by a compile time option probably for testing because it has now been disabled in recent commit 13434 to the 0.91 trunk. See
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.d ... sion/13434. Ever closer to the next release, woo-hoo!
http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.d ... sion/13434. Ever closer to the next release, woo-hoo!
Re: Windows - command line window with fonts listed
A new beta (Inkscape 0.48+devel r13438) incorporating the compile time option mentioned above is now available, and the good news it that it does not spawn a command line window on start.