Layers dont work properly?

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Layers dont work properly?

Postby Saskia1770 » Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:13 pm

Hi guys,

As the topic says, it seems that my object does not want to raise or lower. I have looked throught the FAQ's and googled for the last hour or so but cant find the answer.

Issue: my object is transparant so when wanting to apply a simple shadow it just see throughs my object - making it partly darker which i obviously dont want.
Action taken: I have tried both "layer to top" and object "raise to top". And have applied these in both an ungrouped object and a grouped object.

I feel like there must be a simple thing i haven't done so hopefully someone with a little experience will be able to help me out?

Thanks for reading! ;)


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Re: Layers dont work properly?

Postby Lazur » Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:39 pm

Here is a similar bug, things might not work right:

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Re: Layers dont work properly?

Postby druban » Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:10 pm

Hi Saskia. There may be a few buggy bits for most elementary applications the layers in Inkscape should be functional. Is it possible for you to attach a screenshot, the file, and tell us a bit more about the problem, from your description it's not clear what you are trying to do. Also important is the version number of Inkscape you are having this problem in.

Here are some points to consider that may have bearing on your issue.
If your object is the only object in its layer then it will not be movable. If you have several objects but they are not moving then you should check to see if they are all in a group.
A layer is a group that is named differently and is accessible from the layers panel but is in other respects the same.
If you group opaque objects together and give the group a transparency, the objects within the group will keep their relative opacities, i.e. you will not be able to see them through each other but you will be able to see through the whole group to objects outside the group.
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