Layers and objects seem to be redundant

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Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby Reptorian » Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:12 am

While I was looking for objects panel, I noticed that objects is a far superior version to layers. What's the benefits of using layers over objects? I mean, I can imagine only using objects in inkscape and never layers. If there isn't any benefits, I think layers can easily be ditched in future versions.

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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby tylerdurden » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:03 am

There is plenty of crossover, but layers are a good, simple set of tools for organizing drawings.

I currently see the objects panel as more of a power-user toolset. There is a lot of information to digest. I totally enjoy using it tho.

I imagine more features will be implemented to the objects panel, like drag/drop, properties in the context menu (or 2x click), etc.
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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby Reptorian » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:26 pm

It seem like you have to work with layer if you want to move a group into another layer. I have to create a new layer, and then move group into another layer. That is to avoid disappearing shapes.

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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby tylerdurden » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:53 pm

I have also seen unexpected behavior in the Objects panel. So for now, I'm using the stable functions like lock and hide.

I'm confident it will get much better.
Have a nice day.

I'm using Inkscape 0.92.2 (5c3e80d, 2017-08-06), 64 bit win8.1

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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby Moini » Sat Jan 21, 2017 2:10 pm

(Just FYI: Layers are - in SVG terms - just the same as groups. Only in Inkscape, they have a special attribute that identifies these groups as laysers, and they can be accessed via the layers dialog, and have some special keyboard shortcuts for moving objects from one to the other (and a couple more features).)
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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby brynn » Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:40 pm

While I was looking forward to the new Object manager, I've found it frustrating to use. Even in a simple file, the constant need for scrolling it is annoying. Maybe I'll try undocking it, if I try to use it again.

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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby ShawnWDion » Sun Jan 22, 2017 9:53 pm

Actually I can give a good purpose for the objects menu and that's when using the multiple difference script or even just the regular difference command it's WAY easier with the object select than messing around with layers.

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Re: Layers and objects seem to be redundant

Postby brynn » Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:18 am

You mean instead of using Alt + click?

Oh yes, I completely understand the benefits of the object manager! Or maybe I should say that I realize how awesome are the benefits I know about. There will be times when it is extremely convenient. But I imagined it being much more useful than I've actually discovered, so far. I didn't expect that whenever you select an object on canvas, it would auto-expand the object menu. Even on a relatively simple canvas, with just one click, you've already expanded way beyond the space provided in the docking area. What I found is that I was spending all my time either scrolling, or collapsing the menu to find what I was working on. That's why I'm thinking undocking might help.

If it also auto-collapsed, when the object is deselected, that would work for me. I posted in the mailing list about it, hoping there could be a discussion. But not many people were interested, and the only comments were against auto-collapsing. However, I posted it during the about screen contest, and developers were busy with getting pre-releases ready. I've been thinking about asking if it would be possible to make auto-expanding optional. But I haven't actually done it yet.

Maybe I'll bring it up after 0.92.1 is out, since developers are talking about getting that out asap.

Whoa!! Just playing around a little bit, I noticed a little button "Collapse All"! I don't think that was there in whatever pre-release was used for about screen contest. Or else I just didn't notice. But that puts a whole other spin on it.

Of course, clicking it in between every few clicks could get old. But still nice.

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