May I create un sub-folder in the folder "Extensions" ?

Discuss SVG code, accessible via the XML Editor.
Papy Octet
Posts: 19
Joined: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:06 pm

May I create un sub-folder in the folder "Extensions" ?

Postby Papy Octet » Sat Feb 13, 2010 12:42 am

Always in m'y learn of Inkscape, I try to create extension(s) in Inkscape.
An extension consists in 2 files : the first .inx and the second .py. If I want to use these files in Inkscape, I must paste them in the folder "Extensions" of Inkscape.
In the inx file, I mut inform the way to the .py file and I can inform a sub-menu witch appeares in the menu "Extensions" in Inkscape.

But I would like to put my own extensions i'm editing in a sub-folder of the folder "Extensions" of Inkscape.
I don't know if it is possible and if it is, how can I edit my inx file ?
In the inx file, I write <submenu _name="My Applications"/> to get the sub-menu "Py Applications" in the menu "Extensions" IN Inkscape.
But if I create a sub-folder "my_creations" in the folder "Extensions" of Inkscape wherein I put my creations instead of the folder "Extensions", is it possible to do that ?
If it is possible, how to write the inx file to inform Inkscape that the .py file is in my sub-folder ?

Thank You.

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