Question about SVG capability

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Question about SVG capability

Postby yottameter » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:18 am

I'm looking for a solution where I can have a 'parametrized' graphic image that is machine and language independent. I'm wondering if SVG fits that bill.

Assuming a two node, one edge network drawing, I'd like the parametrized capability to include

Ability to change color of net or outline of node
When a net is clicked, create an event
When a node is clicked, create an event

I'd like to be able to change the color at runtime. I'd like the event name to be called to be determined at runtime.

Given all that, I'd like to run it in Qt, Ruby-Tk, Flex, etc.

Is this possible at all without manually coding a canvas implementation? Is it possible with SVG?


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Re: Question about SVG capability

Postby tomh » Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:56 am

if they all had access to SVG DOM + javascript then SVG could be used for this, not sure if they would or not though. Have a search for SVG and JavaScript and you may find some useful stuff.

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