Testing filters in SVN

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Testing filters in SVN

Postby tomh » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:00 pm

Thanks (mainly) to Ivan, Inkscape 0.46+SVN, e.g. the development version now comes with a lot (129!!!) of pre-set filters.

Most of these have relatively descriptive names, but it is still a lot to look at, esspecially as you don't have preview pictures of what they will do, which is where this file comes in ;-).

I basically was curious as to what all the filters did, so I created a file with all of them in the order they appear in the new filters menu :D
have a look at them yourself,

You can change the object being filtered thanks to the magic of cloned groups, simply double click on the original on the left of canvas and edit/add to that group to watch all the filter swatches change. Also, if you are using the development version, you can check which filter is applied to an object by looking at the status bar, I have added labelled which sub-menu each filter comes from, so it should be quite easy to find the one you want to use after choosing it.

hope you find it useful, tomh.

ivan louette
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Re: Testing filters in SVN

Postby ivan louette » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:05 am

Thanks a lot and sorry ! I did some changes in the submenus in my last update. I removed the Shadows submenu because it was redundant and I grouped its contain within the Shadows ans Glows submenu. I also added a new submenu called "Basics" on top of the list for the very basic effects used daily or useful to build new filters.

I begin documenting the filters. Some of them are complex, and some others seemingly aren't but have a lot of possibilities as this is the case for the very compact "Colorize" filter.

Sorry again for the unconvenience !


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Re: Testing filters in SVN

Postby JimmyVolatile » Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:06 am


Thanks, both of you! A really nice testament of the powers of Inkscape. I'd like to move from Illustrator to Inkscape as soon as possible and I know almost exactly what kind of effects I'm after creating but not whether they are possible to achieve in Inkscape.

Thanks to this file I can now verify that I most probably can do without Illustrator. Thanks!

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Re: Testing filters in SVN

Postby Carrozza » Fri Apr 24, 2009 6:48 pm

As JimmyVolatile said, thanks to both of you!
I appreciate Inkscape more and more... ;)

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